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Travel Mates Planner

- Your ultimate travel companion

This app is developed by using Laravel as a backend server-side development framework which is sharing data through APIs and ReactJS-based Ant Design UI framework on the frontend along with UmiJS and Ant Design ProComponents.

Language & Framework Used:

  1. PHP : v8+
  2. Laravel : v10+
  3. Nodejs : v20.11.0
  4. NPM : 10.2.4
  5. Reactjs : 18.2.0
  6. Ant Design Pro : 6.0.0

How to Setup the Project:

1. Clone Project

Open the terminal and run the following command.

git clone

after clonning go to the project drectory by runing the following command.


2. Setup Enviornment

Create .env file & Copy .env.example file to .env file and setup database, currently we are using mysql database vu_project_localhost_com so make sure you have this databse on your server if not so create it or setup what you want.

3. Re-build UI App

The clonned project will include the last build assets of frontend UI app but if you would like to rebuild or modify the app so, do the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the resources -> app-ui
  2. Instal the development dependencies by running the following command.
npm install 
  1. Re-build the UI app assets by running the following commands.
npm run build

4. Install PHP Dependencies

Run the following commands to install the required packages and generate the autoload files.

composer install

5. DB Tables & Dummy Data

Now migrate and seed database to complete whole project setup by running the following command.

php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
php artisan cashier:webhook

It will create the app-required tables in the database and will also insert the following dummy data to set up the demonstration.

  1. Users ( 21 )
  2. Destinations ( 109 )
  3. Accommodations ( 18 )
  4. Trips ( 06 )
  5. Notifications ( 03 )

6. Run the server -

php artisan serve

7. Visit the following url in your browser.