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ejconlon committed Sep 6, 2024
1 parent e2713de commit e09a43f
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Showing 6 changed files with 125 additions and 80 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions minipat-live/src/Minipat/Live/Resources.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Minipat.Live.Resources
, relVarUse
, relVarAcquire
, withRelVar
, acquirePure
, acquireAsync
, acquireLoop
, QueueHead
Expand All @@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM, atomically, retry)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue (TQueue, peekTQueue, readTQueue, tryPeekTQueue)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar, readTVar, writeTVar)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, bracket, mask, onException)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (InternalState, closeInternalState, createInternalState)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal (registerType)
import Data.Acquire.Internal (Acquire (..), Allocated (..), mkAcquire)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +54,9 @@ relVarAcquire rv (Acquire f) = mask $ \restore -> do
withRelVar :: (RelVar -> IO a) -> IO a
withRelVar = bracket relVarInit relVarDispose

acquirePure :: a -> Acquire (Async a)
acquirePure = liftIO . async . pure

acquireAsync :: IO a -> Acquire (Async a)
acquireAsync act = mkAcquire (async act) cancel

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions minipat-midi/src/Minipat/Midi/Convert.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
-- | Converts attrs to MIDI events
module Minipat.Midi.Convert where

import Data.Default (def)
import Dahdit.Midi.Midi (ChanData (..), ChanVoiceData (..))
import Dahdit.Midi.Osc (Datum (..))
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Minipat.Live.Attrs (Attrs, IsAttrs (..), attrsSingleton)
import Minipat.Live.Convert (Branch (..), ConvErr, ConvM, branchM, defaultM, runConvM, lookupM)
import Minipat.Live.Convert (Branch (..), ConvErr, ConvM, branchM, defaultM, lookupM, runConvM)
import Minipat.Live.Datum (DatumProxy (..))
import Minipat.Midi.Midi (PortData (..), psFromText)

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions minipat-midi/src/Minipat/Midi/Count.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,3 +38,8 @@ throwErrM = tell . countErr

runCountM :: CountM e r a -> r -> IO (a, ErrCounts e)
runCountM (CountM m) r = runWriterT (runReaderT m r)

execCountM :: (Show e, Typeable e) => CountM e r () -> r -> IO ()
execCountM cm r = do
(_, c) <- runCountM cm r
rethrowCounts c
110 changes: 60 additions & 50 deletions minipat-midi/src/Minipat/Midi/Impl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,108 +5,118 @@ module Minipat.Midi.Impl
( MidiBackend (..)
, MidiSt
, sendMsgs
, sendLiveMsgs
, connectAndSendMsgs

import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar, modifyTVar', newTVarIO, readTVarIO, writeTVar)
import Control.Exception (finally, throwIO)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Dahdit.Iface (mutEncode)
import Dahdit.Midi.Midi (ChanData (..), ChanVoiceData (..), Channel, LiveMsg (..))
import Data.Acquire (mkAcquire)
import Dahdit.Midi.Midi (LiveMsg (..))
import Data.Acquire (withAcquire)
import Data.Default (Default (..))
import Data.Foldable (foldl', for_)
import Data.Foldable (foldl', for_, toList)
import Data.Heap (Heap)
import Data.Heap qualified as H
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Sequence (Seq (..))
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable qualified as VSM
import Libremidi.Api (Api (..))
import Minipat.Live.Backend (Backend (..), Callback (..), PlayMeta (..), WithPlayMeta (..))
import Minipat.Live.Core (St, logAsyncState, stBackend, useCallback)
import Minipat.Live.Logger (logInfo)
import Minipat.Live.Resources (acquireAwait, qhHeap)
import Minipat.Live.Logger (logInfo, newLogger)
import Minipat.Live.Resources (acquireAsync, acquireAwait, acquirePure, qhHeap)
import Minipat.Midi.Convert (convertMidiAttrs)
import Minipat.Midi.Midi (MidiState (..), SortedMsg (..), TimedMsg (..), PortName, PortMsg, MidiEnv (..), PortData)
import Minipat.Midi.Count (execCountM)
import Minipat.Midi.Midi
( AutoConn (..)
, MidiEnv (..)
, PortData (..)
, PortMsg (..)
, PortSel (..)
, SetDefault (..)
, SortedMsg (..)
, TimedMsg (..)
, mkNoteOff
, newMidiState
, openOutPort
, sendPortMsg'
, sendPortMsgs
import Minipat.Time (Arc (..))
import Nanotime (PosixTime, TimeDelta, threadDelayDelta)
import Libremidi.Api (Api (..))
import Nanotime (TimeDelta, threadDelayDelta)

defaultMaxMsgLen :: Int
defaultMaxMsgLen = 1024

data MidiBackend = MidiBackend
{ mbApi :: !Api
, mbAutoConn :: !AutoConn
, mbDefOut :: !(Maybe Text)
, mbMaxMsgLen :: !Int
, mbDelay :: !(Maybe TimeDelta)

instance Default MidiBackend where
def = MidiBackend ApiUnspecified defaultMaxMsgLen Nothing
def = MidiBackend ApiUnspecified AutoConnYes Nothing defaultMaxMsgLen Nothing

type MidiSt = St MidiBackend

mkTimedMsgs :: WithPlayMeta PortData -> Seq TimedMsg
mkTimedMsgs (WithPlayMeta pm pd) =
mkTimedMsgs (WithPlayMeta pm pd@(PortData ps cd)) =
let Arc t1 t2 = pmRealArc pm
c = fromInteger (pmOrbit pm - 1)
m1 = LiveMsgChan c cd
m1 = PortMsg ps (LiveMsgChan c cd)
s1 = Seq.singleton (TimedMsg t1 (SortedMsg m1))
in case mkNoteOff c pd of
Just m2 -> s1 :|> TimedMsg t2 (SortedMsg m2)
Nothing -> s1

data MidiData = MidiData
{ mdMidiEnv :: !MidiEnv
, mdObsTask :: !(Async ())
{ mdEnv :: !MidiEnv
, mdHeap :: !(TVar (Heap TimedMsg))
, mdConnTask :: !(Async ())
, mdSendTask :: !(Async ())

-- sendMsgs :: (Foldable f) => St MidiBackend -> f PortMsg -> IO ()
-- sendMsgs st msgs = useCallback st $ \md ->
-- let MidiBackend _ _ maxLen mayDelay = stBackend st
-- in sendLiveMsgs maxLen mayDelay msgs
-- connectAndSendMsgs :: (Foldable f) => MidiBackend -> f PortMsg -> IO ()
-- connectAndSendMsgs (MidiBackend openPred defPred maxLen mayDelay) msgs = do
-- device <- liftIO R.defaultOutput
-- mp <- R.findPort device portSel
-- case mp of
-- Nothing -> fail "Could not find acceptable port"
-- Just p -> do
-- flip finally (R.closePort device) $ do
-- R.openPort device p "minipat"
-- sendLiveMsgs maxLen mayDelay device msgs
sendMsgs :: (Foldable f) => MidiSt -> f PortMsg -> IO ()
sendMsgs st msgs = useCallback st $ \md -> do
let MidiBackend _ ac _ maxLen mayDelay = stBackend st
execCountM (sendPortMsgs maxLen mayDelay ac msgs) (mdEnv md)

connectAndSendMsgs :: (Foldable f) => MidiBackend -> f LiveMsg -> IO ()
connectAndSendMsgs mb@(MidiBackend _ _ defOut maxLen mayDelay) msgs = withAcquire acq use
ps = PortSelPrefix (fromMaybe "" defOut)
acq = do
logger <- liftIO newLogger
backendInit mb logger (pure False)
use md =
let msgs' = fmap (PortMsg ps) (toList msgs)
in execCountM (sendPortMsgs maxLen mayDelay AutoConnNo msgs') (mdEnv md)

instance Backend MidiBackend where
type BackendData MidiBackend = MidiData

backendInit (MidiBackend api maxLen mayDelay) logger getPlayingSTM = do
-- device <- liftIO R.defaultOutput
-- let getPort = do
-- mp <- R.findPort device portSel
-- case mp of
-- Nothing -> fail "Could not find acceptable port"
-- Just p -> do
-- name <- fmap (fromMaybe "UNNAMED") (R.portName device p)
-- logInfo logger ("Opening port" <> T.pack (show p) <> " (" <> T.pack name <> ")")
-- R.openPort device p "minipat"
-- logInfo logger "Connected"
-- _ <- mkAcquire getPort (const (R.closePort device))
backendInit (MidiBackend api ac defOut maxLen mayDelay) logger getPlayingSTM = do
sendHeap <- liftIO (newTVarIO H.empty)
buf <- liftIO ( maxLen)
ms <- newMidiState
let me = MidiEnv api ms
let send (TimedMsg _ (SortedMsg m)) = do
len <- fmap fromIntegral (mutEncode m buf)
VSM.unsafeWith buf (\ptr -> R.sendUnsafeMessage device ptr len)
ms <- liftIO newMidiState
let me = MidiEnv api logger ms
send (TimedMsg _ (SortedMsg pm)) = do
execCountM (sendPortMsg' buf ac pm) me
for_ mayDelay threadDelayDelta
sendTask <- acquireAwait tmTime getPlayingSTM (qhHeap heap) send
fmap (MidiData device heap)
spawn = acquireAwait tmTime getPlayingSTM
connTask <- case defOut of
Nothing -> acquirePure ()
Just t -> acquireAsync (execCountM (openOutPort (PortSelPrefix t) SetDefaultYes) me)
sendTask <- spawn (qhHeap sendHeap) send
pure (MidiData me sendHeap connTask sendTask)

backendSend _ _ cb evs = runCallback cb $ \md -> do
msgs <- either throwIO pure (traverse (traverse convertMidiAttrs) evs)
Expand Down
76 changes: 51 additions & 25 deletions minipat-midi/src/Minipat/Midi/Midi.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,13 +27,16 @@ import Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable qualified as VSM
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Libremidi.Api
( Api
, LogFun
, LogLvl (..)
, MidiConfig (..)
, MidiPort (..)
, OutHandle
, OutPort
, cloneOutPort
, freeOutHandle
, freeOutPort
, newLogCb
, newOutHandle
, outSendMsg1
Expand All @@ -51,6 +54,7 @@ import Libremidi.Common
import Libremidi.Foreign qualified as LMF
import Libremidi.Simple (findOutPort)
import Minipat.Live.Attrs (IsAttrs (..), attrsSingleton)
import Minipat.Live.Logger (LogAction, logError, logWarn)
import Minipat.Midi.Count (CountM, throwErrM)
import Nanotime (PosixTime, TimeDelta, threadDelayDelta)
import Prettyprinter (Pretty (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,7 +118,8 @@ isNoteOff (PortMsg _ lm) = case lm of
data PortData = PortData
{ pdPort :: !PortSel
, pdChan :: !ChanData
} deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

mkNoteOff :: Channel -> PortData -> Maybe PortMsg
mkNoteOff c (PortData ps cd) = case cd of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,6 +160,12 @@ data SetDefault = SetDefaultNo | SetDefaultYes
instance Default SetDefault where
def = SetDefaultNo

data AutoConn = AutoConnNo | AutoConnYes
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)

instance Default AutoConn where
def = AutoConnYes

data OutState = OutState
{ osPort :: !OutPort
, osHandle :: !(UniquePtr LMF.OutHandle)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,9 +250,9 @@ setOutDefault pn ms = atomically (writeTVar (msOutDefault ms) (Just pn))

data MidiEnv = MidiEnv
{ meApi :: !Api
, meLogger :: !LogAction
, meState :: !MidiState
deriving stock (Eq)

type MidiM = CountM MidiErr MidiEnv

Expand All @@ -255,22 +266,37 @@ errM_ f m = do
ea <- liftIO (runErrM m)
either (throwErrM . f) pure ea

openOutPort' :: PortName -> OutPort -> SetDefault -> (MidiConfig -> IO MidiConfig) -> MidiM ()
openOutPort' pn op de f = do
MidiEnv api ms <- ask
logFun :: LogAction -> LogFun
logFun logger = \case
LogLvlWarn -> logWarn logger
LogLvlErr -> logError logger

withMidiConfig :: PortName -> OutPort -> (MidiConfig -> MidiM ()) -> MidiM ()
withMidiConfig pn op f = do
mop' <- errM (MidiErrLibErr (Just (PortSelName pn))) (cloneOutPort op)
case mop' of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just op' -> do
c <- liftIO $ do
x <- newUniquePtr op'
f (def {mcPort = Just (MidiPortOut x)})
moh <- errM (MidiErrLibErr (Just (PortSelName pn))) (newOutHandle api c)
case moh of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just oh -> liftIO $ do
os <- newOutState op oh
insertOutState pn os de ms
logger <- asks meLogger
port <- liftIO (fmap MidiPortOut (newUniquePtr op'))
warnCb <- liftIO (newLogCb (logFun logger) LogLvlWarn)
errCb <- liftIO (newLogCb (logFun logger) LogLvlErr)
f $
{ mcPort = Just port
, mcOnWarn = Just warnCb
, mcOnErr = Just errCb

openOutPort' :: PortName -> OutPort -> SetDefault -> MidiM ()
openOutPort' pn op de = withMidiConfig pn op $ \mc -> do
MidiEnv api _ ms <- ask
moh <- errM (MidiErrLibErr (Just (PortSelName pn))) (newOutHandle api mc)
case moh of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just oh -> liftIO $ do
os <- newOutState op oh
insertOutState pn os de ms

selectOutPort :: PortSel -> IO (Maybe (PortName, OutPort))
selectOutPort ps =
Expand All @@ -280,12 +306,12 @@ selectOutPort ps =
PortSelName (PortName t) -> f (t ==)
PortSelPrefix t -> let t' = T.toLower t in f (T.isPrefixOf t' . T.toLower)

openOutPort :: PortSel -> SetDefault -> (MidiConfig -> IO MidiConfig) -> MidiM ()
openOutPort ps de f = do
openOutPort :: PortSel -> SetDefault -> MidiM ()
openOutPort ps de = do
mx <- liftIO (selectOutPort ps)
case mx of
Nothing -> throwErrM (MidiErrMissingOutPort ps)
Just (pn, op) -> openOutPort' pn op de f
Just (pn, op) -> openOutPort' pn op de

closeOutPort :: PortSel -> MidiM ()
closeOutPort ps = do
Expand All @@ -295,8 +321,8 @@ closeOutPort ps = do
Nothing -> throwErrM (MidiErrMissingOutPort ps)
Just _ -> pure ()

withOutPort :: PortSel -> (OutState -> ErrM ()) -> MidiM ()
withOutPort ps f = do
withOutPort :: PortSel -> AutoConn -> (OutState -> ErrM ()) -> MidiM ()
withOutPort ps _ac f = do
ms <- asks meState
mz <- liftIO (atomically (selectOutState ps ms))
case mz of
Expand All @@ -309,13 +335,13 @@ sendLiveMsg buf oh lm = unRunErrM $ do
-- coercion is safe: Word8 -> CUChar
VSM.unsafeWith buf (\ptr -> runErrM (outSendMsg1 oh (coerce ptr) len))

sendPortMsg' :: VSM.IOVector Word8 -> PortMsg -> MidiM ()
sendPortMsg' buf (PortMsg ps lm) =
withOutPort ps (\os -> withOutHandle os (\oh -> sendLiveMsg buf oh lm))
sendPortMsg' :: VSM.IOVector Word8 -> AutoConn -> PortMsg -> MidiM ()
sendPortMsg' buf ac (PortMsg ps lm) =
withOutPort ps ac (\os -> withOutHandle os (\oh -> sendLiveMsg buf oh lm))

sendPortMsgs :: (Foldable f) => Int -> Maybe TimeDelta -> f PortMsg -> MidiM ()
sendPortMsgs maxLen mayDelay msgs = do
sendPortMsgs :: (Foldable f) => Int -> Maybe TimeDelta -> AutoConn -> f PortMsg -> MidiM ()
sendPortMsgs maxLen mayDelay ac msgs = do
buf <- liftIO ( maxLen)
for_ msgs $ \pm -> do
sendPortMsg' buf pm
sendPortMsg' buf ac pm
liftIO (for_ mayDelay threadDelayDelta)

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