com.the_tinkering.wk is an Android app for WaniKani
It's set up as an Android project with Google's default gradle set up. Use Android Studio or the Gradle command line to build it.
Before you can build this code, you will have to provide two files containing identification information for the app. This is because the open source license covering this app's code does not cover the name I gave the app, and it also doesn't cover my name. See the file for details.
- Copy the file app/ to app/src/main/java/com/the_tinkering/wk
- Name the copy
- Edit the file to supply your own identification for the app
- Copy the file app/strings.xml.sample.txt to app/src/main/res/values
- Name the copy strings.xml
- Edit the file to supply your own identification for the app
After this, you are ready to build the code.