Generate CHANGELOG files based on Trello lists.
composer require "bigwhoop/trellog":"~1.0"
vendor\bin\trellog init
vendor\bin\trellog generate
vendor\bin\trellog generate >
By default trellog
will create config file named .trellog.yml
in the current working directory. You can use the
option if your file has a different name or location.
Attention: This conig file will containt your trello API key and read-only access token.
You can use the printer options in the config file to customize the generated output.
title: The title of the change log
intro: A text displayed beneath the title. Can be as long as you want it to be.
versions_whitelist: # ignore Trello cards not titled ...
- 1.1.0
- 1.0.0
versions_blacklist: # ignore Trello cards titled ...
- 2.0.0
sections_whitelist: # ignore card checklists not named ...
- Added
- Removed
sections_blacklist: # ignore card checklists named ...
- Merges
- Tests
print_empty_sections: false # if true, empty checklists are printed as well
empty_section_template: Text to output if print_empty_sections is true and a section is empty
MIT. See LICENSE file.