2200 commits
to master
since this release
- Install helm on IBM image
- Upgrade PHP version: 7.2.31, 7.3.18 and 7.4.6
- Upgrade PHP composer version: 1.10.6
- Upgrade PHP memcached extension version: 3.1.5
- Upgrade PHP php-cs-fixer version: 2.16.3
- Upgrade PHP redis extension version: 5.2.2
- Upgrade PHP xdebug extension version: 2.9.5
- Restore ssh2 extension in PHP images
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.14.3
- Add Gitleaks, GolangCI-Lint, go-mod-upgrade, go-swagger, go-mock, goimports, migrate, modd and testfixtures to Golang image
- Add bitcoind image, version: 0.19.1
- Add the following libraries into the php image: libcrypto1.1, libssl1.1
- Add kubeval and kustomize to IBM image
- Add AWS Terraform provider in IBM image
- Add ibmcloud CLI cloud-databases plugin in IBM image
- Upgrade IBM Terraform Provider to 1.5.3
- Upgrade terraform to 0.12.26 in IBM Image