Releases: ekino/docker-buildbox
Releases · ekino/docker-buildbox
- Add a python 3.9 image
- Add Infracost to the Terraform images
- Upgrade PHP versions to 7.2.34, 7.3.24 and 7.4.12
- Upgrade Composer version to 2.0.4
- Upgrade APCU version to 5.1.19
- Upgrade php-cs-fixer version to 2.16.7
- Upgrade Xdebug version to version 2.9.8
- Upgrade musl-dev version to 1.1.24-r10 to fix php image build
- Delete Composer plugin hirak/prestissimo
- Fix missing awscli missing from Node and React Native
- Upgrade Java 8 to 8u272 and 11 to 11.0.9
- Update SmartPy version in tezosqa image
- Upgrade terraform to 0.13.4 and terragrunt to 0.25.3 and add jq to image
- fix aws image dependencies with new pip resolver feature
- fix smartpy version in tezosqa image
- Upgrade Kubectl to 1.18.10
- Upgrade Eksctl to 0.30.0
- Upgrade Kubescore to 1.9.0
- Upgrade Kustomize to 3.8.5
- Upgrade Helm to 3.3.4
- Upgrading Scoutsuite to 5.10.1
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.15.2
- Upgrade Golang gitleaks version: 6.1.2
- Upgrade Golang ci-lint version: 1.31.0
- Upgrade Golang go-mod-upgrade version: 0.2.1
- Upgrade Golang migrate version: 4.12.2
- Upgrade Golang testfixtures version: 3.4.0
- Add rsync to Golang image
- Add terraform version 0.13.1
- Add rsync to aws image
- Upgrade PHP composer version to 1.10.10
- Upgrade PHP versions to 7.2.32, 7.3.20 and 7.4.8
- Add musl-dev==1.1.24-r9 to fix php image build
- Add jq in PHP image
- Add terraform-compliance v1.2.11 to terraform image
- Upgrade terraform to 0.12.29 in terraform and ibm images
- Change terraform versionning to add patch version value
- Upgrade IBM Cloud terraform provider to 1.10.0
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.14.7
- Update Kubectl to 1.18.6 + associated tools
- Update Scoutsuite to 5.9.1
- Add a new Terraform 0.13 image
- Update Ansible to 2.9.10
- Update Azure CLI to 2.10.1
- Update Terraform complaince CLI to 1.3.2
- Install awscli in kubectl image
- Add terragrunt v0.23.31 and git to terraform image
- Add zip and make to the AWS image
- Upgrade IBM Terraform provider to v1.8.1
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.14.6
- Upgrade Golang ci-lint version: 1.28.3
- Upgrade Golang goswagger version: 0.25.0
- Upgrade Golang go-mod-upgrade version: 0.2.0
- Upgrade Golang testfixtures version: 3.3.0
- Add go-bindata to golang image
- Upgrade Java 8 to 8u262 and 11 to 11.0.8
- Add Taskfile to the Node.js, Chrome, AWS and DinD images
- Upgrade bitcoind image to 0.20.0
- Upgrade Java 8 to 8u252 and 11 to 11.0.7
- Install IBM CLI plugin for IBM Functions
- Upgrade Node 10 to 10.21.0 and 12 to 12.18.1
- Add Node 14 image
- Upgrade npm to 6.14.5 and nvm to 0.35.3 in Node images
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.14.4
- Upgrade Golang gitleaks version: 4.3.1
- Upgrade Golang goswagger version: 0.24.0
- Upgrade PHP composer version: 1.10.7
- Upgrade PHP xdebug version: 2.9.6
- Add tezosqa image with ligo, SmartPy and Pytezos
- Install helm on IBM image
- Upgrade PHP version: 7.2.31, 7.3.18 and 7.4.6
- Upgrade PHP composer version: 1.10.6
- Upgrade PHP memcached extension version: 3.1.5
- Upgrade PHP php-cs-fixer version: 2.16.3
- Upgrade PHP redis extension version: 5.2.2
- Upgrade PHP xdebug extension version: 2.9.5
- Restore ssh2 extension in PHP images
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.14.3
- Add Gitleaks, GolangCI-Lint, go-mod-upgrade, go-swagger, go-mock, goimports, migrate, modd and testfixtures to Golang image
- Add bitcoind image, version: 0.19.1
- Add the following libraries into the php image: libcrypto1.1, libssl1.1
- Add kubeval and kustomize to IBM image
- Add AWS Terraform provider in IBM image
- Add ibmcloud CLI cloud-databases plugin in IBM image
- Upgrade IBM Terraform Provider to 1.5.3
- Upgrade terraform to 0.12.26 in IBM Image
- Removing ansible 2.8 image
- Upgrade Node images to debian 10.3
- Move ibm image to Golang base image and build Null provider
- Upgrade ibm provider to 1.2.4
- Upgrade eksctl to 0.14.0
- Migrate the CI to GitHub Actions
- Increase DockerClient's timeout to 10 minutes
- Rename dind-aws to dind and add all provider cli (aws, ibm, azure)
- Add Helm cli to kubectl image
- Add a workflow dedicated to checking PR mergeability
- Install kubectl and kubernetes provider in IBM image
- Upgrade IBM cli to 1.0.0
- Upgrade IBM provider to 1.4.0
- Upgrade scoutsuite to 5.8.1
- Upgrade Azure cli to 2.4.0
- Removing Arachni image
- Upgrade misc Kubectl image components
- Upgrade Terraform to 0.12.24
- Add mysql-client in PHP images
- Add postgresql-client in java image
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.14
- Remove Glide, Gin and Modd from the golang image
- Upgrade Java 8 to 8u242 and 11 to 11.0.6
- Remove support for Node 8
- Switch every python related images to debian buster slim base
- Rename variable use for base image version in templated Dockerfile to
- Upgrade Node 10 to 10.19.0, Node 12 to 12.16.1 and NPM to 6.13.7
- Update Kubectl version (and associated tools) : 1.17
- Upgrade ScoutSuite: 5.7
- Adding Ansible to 2.9 in addition to 2.8
- Upgrade Azure CLI to 2.1.0 and Terraform to 0.12.21
- Create IBM image with terraform, ibm provider and ibmcloud cli
- Rename serverless image into pynode to manage serverless and cdk use cases