v0.6.1 - Alpha Version - Everything may change
- Lifecycle management
- Simple Tag Declaration and injection
- Configuration injection
- Event exchange throu the application
Godim use tags to inject configuration and dependencies in a struct.
A little example is sometimes better than a full explanation
package main
import (
type MyHandler struct {
UserService *UserService `inject:"UserService"`
func (mh *MyHandler) doIt() {
type UserService struct {
MyKey string `config:"user.key"`
func (us *UserService) doIt() {
fmt.Println("done :", us.MyKey)
func config(key string, kind reflect.Kind) (interface{}, error) {
return "myuserKey"
func main(){
mh := MyHandler{}
us := UserService{}
g := godim.NewGodim(godim.DefaultConfig().WithConfigurationFunction())
will print
done :myuserKey
Implementing Identifier interface allows godim to know how you want to name your struct
type Identifier interface {
Key() string
By default, naming convention will use class definition without package. For instance :
package main
type UserService struct {
will have a name : UserService
You can define policies on how you want to enforce linking of your different layer. For instance StrictHTTPProfile will define 3 kinds of layers:
- handler
- service
- repository
with a strict linking between them : repository can be injected in service, service can be injected in handler, all others possibilities are prohibited
Providing to Godim a function like this one
func configFunc (key string, value reflect.Value) (interface{}, error) {
will allow configuration parameters to be injected directly in your structs throu config tag see Godim-Viper for an implementation of this function with Viper.
It is sometimes useful to initialize some things like connection to db during the life of the your app Two interfaces can be implemented for struct that needs specific
type Initializer interface {
OnInit() error
type Closer interface {
OnClose() error
OnInit will be called after configuration and injection phases. OnClose will be called when you close your app
The current lifecycle order of godim will go through
- Declaration phase. use godim.Declare(...)
- Configuration phase, take all your config tags and fill them
- Injection phase, take all your injection tags and link them
- Initialization phase, call all OnInit() func declared
- Running phase, your turn
- Closing phase, call all OnClose() func declared
You can handle the OnInit order if you need to, by implementing the following interface in your struct:
type Prioritizer interface {
Priority() int
Default priority is set to 0, by implementing this function you can say if you want to execute the OnInit method sooner (by returning a lower value) or later (with a higher value).
Godim comes with a simple event switch that enable Event to be emitted from anywhere and received everywhere. The definition of events Type throu the application is static, there is no dynamic declaration during the run lifecycle.
An Event looks like
type Event struct {
Type string
Payload map[string]interface{}
You need to consider events as immutable object (Read Only), as they can be accessed concurrently. But there is no protection against write in go yet
To emit an event your struct can implement EventEmitter and call Emit to send the event
type MyStruct struct {
myStruct := &MyStruct{}
There is 3 ways to observe those events, depending on the phase you want to interact with it. After being emitted the event is buffered in the event switch. For each event, a go routine is launched, orchestrate a first level of interaction with EventInterceptor, interceptor have a priority, the lowest the first. During this phase an event can be aborted : it will stop propagation of the event on higher priority of interceptor or receiver. An aborted event will still go throu EventFinalizer if one is declared. After orchestration phase, events are transmitted to each receiver in his own go routine in a choregraphic way. When all events are managed by all interceptor and receivers, event finish his course in an EventFinalizer.
To intercept an event you need to implements EventInterceptor in your struct
type EventInterceptor interface {
Intercept(*Event) error
InterceptPriority() int
To subscribe to an event you need to implements EventReceiver interface in your struct
type EventReceiver interface {
HandleEventTypes() []string
the HandleEventTypes method defines the subscribe events type by this receiver. the ReceiveEvent will receive all events of type declared in the previous method.
EventFinalizer does not interact with event metadata. Typical usage is a final save in a db of the event. EventFinalizer interface follow :
type EventFinalizer interface {
There can be only one event finalizer in your application.