javascript library thought for ease the inetraction with the context 2d capabilities of the "canvas" HTML5 element. Canvas2D offer a set of methods for drawing and interact with animated objects.
All major browsers
Under development
Three arguments accepted:
- REQUIRED - {container} DIV Element or ID of a preexisting DIV Element
- REQUIRED - {point} Size in form of Point; Point, Array, Number, or String as CSS format "width,height" or as a single word "full" to extend the DIV Element to the entire viewport
- OPTIONAL - {boolean} Enable Event Listener TRUE or FALSE; default TRUE
var stage=new Canvas2d.Stage('canva','100%,100%',false);
the canva argument refer to e preexisting DIV ELement with ID = "canva"
the "100%,100%" argument calls for an extended container, equal to "full" the false argument disable the Event listeners
more on Stage at Under development
- OPTIONAL - {name} a String representing the object name
- OPTIONAL - {boolean} Enable Event Listener TRUE or FALSE; default TRUE
var layer=new Canvas2d.Layer('layer_1',false);
the false argument disable the Event listeners
more on Layer at Under development
- OPTIONAL - {name} a String representing the object name
- OPTIONAL - {boolean} Enable Event Listener TRUE or FALSE; default TRUE
var dispObj=new Canvas2d.DisplayObjects('dispObj_1');
a basic shape method can be called, as an example 'rect'
dispObj.rect(0, [100,100], 'lightseagreen', 'darkorange', 4);
A position and Size is pass as an argument. It can be a:
- Point - object
- Array - in form
- Number - a single number
All DisplayObjects basic shapes:
- rect
.rect(p, size, color, linecolor, linewidth);
- roundRect
.rectRound(p, size, radius, color, linecolor, linewidth);
- circle
.circle(p, radius, startAngle, endAngle, color, linecolor, linewidth);
- line
.line(p, start, end, linecolor, linewidth, lineCap, lineJoin, lineMiter);
- polygon
.polygon(p, points, color, linecolor, linewidth, close);
- shape
.shape(p, obj, color, linecolor, linewidth, close);
- img
.img(p, source, show, color, paddingleft, paddingtop, crop);
- clip
.clip(p, source, framelist, show);
- text
.text(txt, p, fontweigth, fontsize, font, color, background, align, baseline);
more on DisplayObjects at Under development
All DisplayObjects share some basic properties:
- position a point Object with its own set of methods
- size a point Object with its own set of methods
- pivot a point Object with its own set of methods
- scale a point Object with its own set of methods
- color an Array
, String as hex, rgb, hsl or hsv - lineColor an Array
, String as hex, rgb, hsl or hsv - lineWidth
- lineCap
- lineJoin
- lineMiter
- gradient an object
{'color': ['blue', 'green'], 'offset': [0, 1], 'coord': {'x0': 0, 'y0': 0, 'x1': w, 'y1': 0}, 'type': 'linear'};
- lineGradient see gradient
layer can accept multiple DisplayObjects elements as arguments
- finally the draw method can be called either from Stage, to draw all Layers and its children or from Layer to draw all DisplayObjects as children of Layer
Canvas2d is released under Apache license.
Canvas2d javascript library was created by Fabio Fantini. You can contact me at [email protected]