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An easy to use, extensible boilerplate for Go applications

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An easy to use, extensible boilerplate for Go applications.


It is very important to write applications that follows the latest standards, Re-using libraries (DRY) and most important; keeping you focused on the actual logic. Which in turn, leads to a robust and resilient product.


Dockeriezed, production grade, well structured, extendable boilerplate for Go applications - Based on Ashley McNamara + Brian Ketelsen. Go best practices, Ben Johnson. Standard Package Layout, golang-standards and much more.

In a nutshell, data and transport layers are decoupled and we can create different executables (Webserer, Async Worker etc) of our app. Keep on reading and review the code for a solid example.

Under the hood

  • Re-Run - Auto code reload while developing
  • gRPC - A high-performance, open-source universal RPC framework.
  • gRPC request validator - A protoc plugin that generates Validate() error functions on Go proto structs based on field options inside.
  • gRPC-Gateway - gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec.
  • OpenAPI - Online Documentation for our gRPC-Gateway APIs.
  • Machinery - An asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
  • Zap - Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go
  • Mage - Go based task runner
  • Prometheus - Instrumentation
  • Health Check - Implementing Kubernetes liveness and readiness probe handlers
  • SQL-Migrate - SQL schema migration tool for Go
  • SQLBoiler - Generate a Go ORM tailored to your database schema.
  • Viper - Go configuration with fangs.
  • And much more!

Table of contents



Run your project

git clone
cd co-boilerplate
docker-compose up // Or `make up`

Enter shell

make shell


The project depndencies are donloaded by defult when using docker-compose. To download the dependencies and mount them the /vendor folder:

make vendors



Jaeger is installed by default. To explore the traces, navigate to http://localhost:16686 Next, check Jaeger (OpenTracing) at http://localhost:16686/ and


Logs are written to STDOUT in JSON format.

Endpoints & Services

To verify that your project is running correctly, simply browse the following:


The make file is mainly used as a "shortcut" to commonly used commands and tools such as docker, auto code generation etc.
For all available commands, please checkout the Makefile.


File Structure

├── data                           # Docker volume, used during development.
├── src                            # 
│   ├── app                        # Data Layer
|   |   ├── visit.go               # Service defenition; `VisitService interface` and `Visit Struct`
│   │   └── mysql                  # 
│   │       └── models             # Auto generated ORM using SQLBoiler.
│   │       └── visit.go           # Data Layer - Implement `VisitService interface` using SQLBoiler auto generated ORM.
│   │                              # 
│   ├── cmd                        # Our App can compile into different executable vlavors (multiple `main()` functions), each run a different flavor of our App. For example:
│   │   └── grpc                   # an hint of what the command will be like e.g support gRPC, on the other hand we could have used `consumer` which implies on an Async worker that connect to a Message queue 
│   │       └── app.go             # Where our `main()` function is located, used to prepare and inject all dependencies; expose instrumentations etc
│   │                              #
│   ├── config                     # Configuration management using Viper. It checks for relevant environment variables, fallback to config files and finally to defailt values (hardcoded)
│   │   └── config.go              # Initialize Viper and define our defeults (hardcoded)
│   │   └── development            # Config folder for "development". Can be used with a compiled version as long as you'll preserve the same file structure and naming convention
│   │       └── development.yaml   # Config file
│   │                              #
│   ├── mage                       # CLI task, more information is listed below.
│   │   └── db.go                  # CLI DB Migration tool
│   │                              #
│   ├── migration                  # Where we store our DB migration files
│   │                              #
│   └── transport                  # Transport Layer;
│       └── grpc                   # an hint of how we're going to interact with the outside world 
│           ├── proto              # Where we store our .proto file(s) and it's auto-generated gRPC Goalang code
│           └── visit_transport.go # Implements the auto-generated gRPC interface 
├── vendors                        # 
├── Dockerfile                     #
├── Makefile                       #
└── ...

Document by Example (TBD/WIP)

In order to build a rock-solid application you usually use the same set of tools over and over again, either in a form of a different language or a framework. It's all the same:

  • Configuration management
  • DB Migrations
  • ORM
  • CLI tasks
  • Handlers/Controllers
  • Async Job processing
  • Health Check
  • Metrics/Instrumentation
  • Logs
  • Documentation
  • and finally Tests

The following examples will demonstrate how each functionality can be used.

CLI tasks

Mage is a make/rake-like build tool using Go. You write plain-old Go functions, and Mage automatically uses them as Makefile-like runnable targets.

  • Write your TASK according to Mage standards and store it under src/mage/ folder.
  • Run your task using make mage Namespace:Function
  • For additional information, make sure to visit the official repository:
  • For a example, a CLI task that loads SQL into your Database:
//+build mage

package main

import (

type DB mg.Namespace

func (DB) Migrate() error {
    db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "database.dsn")
    if err != nil {
        panic("Failed to open DB connection")
    if err := db.Ping(); err != nil {
        panic("Failed to ping DB")
    migrations := &migrate.PackrMigrationSource{
        Box: packr.NewBox("../../src/migration"),
    appliedMigrations, err := migrate.Exec(db, "mysql", migrations, migrate.Up)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Applied %v migrations", appliedMigrations)
    return nil
  • Now you can run the task make mage db:migrate

DB Migration

  • Add your migration to the src/migration folder, Make sure to follow the standards. For example 1549889122_init_schema.sql:
-- +migrate Up
    first_name varchar(255),
    last_name varchar(255),
    created_at timestamp default NOW(),
    updated_at timestamp default NOW(),
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

-- +migrate Down
  • Run the CLI task from the step beforemake mage db:migrate
  • By default, the app is configured to run the migration process when it starts, you can change the default behavior (database.auto_migrate = 'on').
  • For additional information, make sure to visit the official repository:

ORM / SQLBoiler

SQLBoiler is a tool to generate a Go ORM tailored to your database schema. Which result in a fully featured, ActiveRecord like ORM without any performance hit.

  • If you're using a different setup than the provided docker-compose.yaml, make sure to adjust src/config/development/sqlboiler.yaml accordingly.
  • Run make sqlboiler
  • The auto generated ORM models are been stored under src/app/mysql*or-any-other-engine*/models
  • Usage example, based on the visits table from the previous step:
import (

func main() {
    visitId = 1
    db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "database.dsn")
    if err != nil {
        panic("Failed to open DB connection")
    if err := db.Ping(); err != nil {
        panic("Failed to ping DB")
    if visit, err := models.FindVisit(context.Background(), db, visitId); err != nil {
    } else {
        fmt.Print(visit.FirstName, visit.LastName)
  • For additional information, make sure to visit the official repository:

Service - Data layer agnostic

This is probably the most important part in the boilerplate, the goal is to create a separation between the data layer and the way other component interacts with it.

  • To begin with, we need to define our basic data struct
    * Use validate tags to set your constrains, which later on can be enforced using go-playground/validator.v10 in our Service implementation.
package app

type Visit struct {
	ID        uint      `validate:"gte=0"`
	FirstName string    `validate:"required,gte=3,lte=254"`
	LastName  string    `validate:"required,gte=3,lte=254"`
	CreatedAt time.Time
	UpdatedAt time.Time
  • Next, define our service VisitService:
// ..

type VisitService interface {
	Get(c context.Context, id *uint) (*Visit, error)
  • Save both Visit struct and VisitService interface as app/visit.go
  • From now on, to avoid coupling, any Controller/Handler/etc that relay on the VisitService will use it's interface as a dependency so it won't be worried on how its been implemented, for example:
type MyController struct {
	VisitService app.VisitService
  • Assuming you followed the examples above, you can start implementing your service.
  • Create a new folder under app/. that represent your data layer (e.g app/mysql)
  • Implement the VisitService interface in app/mysql/visit.go:
package mysql

import (


func NewVisitService(db *sql.DB, sv validator.StructValidator) *visitService {
	return &visitService{db, sv}

type visitService struct {
	db *sql.DB
	sv validator.StructValidator

func (vs *visitService) Get(c context.Context, id *uint) (*app.Visit, error) {
	bVisit, err := models.FindVisit(c, vs.db, *id)

	// No record found
	if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
		return nil, nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return sqlBoilerToVisit(bVisit), nil

func (vs *visitService) Set(c context.Context, v *app.Visit) (*app.Visit, error) {
	bVisit := models.Visit{
		ID:        v.ID,
		FirstName: null.StringFrom(v.FirstName),
		LastName:  null.StringFrom(v.LastName),

	err :=, v)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if bVisit.ID == 0 {
		err = bVisit.Insert(c, vs.db, boil.Infer())
	} else {
		_, err = bVisit.Update(c, vs.db, boil.Infer())

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return sqlBoilerToVisit(&bVisit), nil

func sqlBoilerToVisit(bVisit *models.Visit) *app.Visit {
	return &app.Visit{
		ID:        bVisit.ID,
		FirstName: bVisit.FirstName.String,
		LastName:  bVisit.LastName.String,
		CreatedAt: bVisit.CreatedAt,
		UpdatedAt: bVisit.UpdatedAt,

Transport Layer, Handlers/Controllers - gRPC + gRPC-Gateway

In this example, We will

  • Define a simple gRPC handler
  • Expose it as a RESTful API
  • Set the request constrains (Validations)
  • Document it using OpenAPI (Swagger)

So lets start:

  • Define our VisitTransport using protobuf in transport/grpc/proto/visit.proto, pay attention to the constrain on ID:
// ...

service VisitTransport {
    // Simple return a Visit record by ID
    rpc Get(ID) returns (VisitResponse) {
        option (google.api.http) = {
          get: "/v1/visit/{id}" // RESTful route
    // Update/Create a device
    rpc Set(VisitRequest) returns (VisitResponse) {
        option (google.api.http) = {
          post: "/v1/visit"
          body: "*"
          additional_bindings {
            put: "/v1/visit"
            body: "*"

// Define a request and constrains, ID must be > 0
message ID {
    uint32 id = 1 [(validate.rules).uint32.gte = 0];

message VisitResponse {
    uint32 id = 1;
    string first_name = 2;
    string last_name = 3;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 4;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5;

message VisitResponse {
    uint32 id = 1;
    string first_name = 2;
    string last_name = 3;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 4;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5;
  • Generate our gRPC handler, validators, RESTful API and documentation (Swagger):
    • make protobuf
      * The auto-generated code is located under the same folder as our visit_transport.proto file.
  • Implement the auto-generated VisitServiceServer interface (can be found in in transport/grpc/proto/visit.pb.go).
    • Important! - Use your services to persist your data (app/*.go), Inject them as dependency when needed.
    • Store your implementation in a different folder (e.g transport/grpc/visit_transport.go) for better separation.
package grpc

import (
	pb ""

type VisitTransport struct {
	VisitService app.VisitService

func (vs *VisitTransport) Get(c context.Context, id *pb.ID) (*pb.VisitResponse, error) {
	i := uint(id.GetId())
	v, err := vs.VisitService.Get(c, &i)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return vs.visitToProto(v)

// Update/Create a device
func (vs *VisitTransport) Set(c context.Context, v *pb.VisitRequest) (*pb.VisitResponse, error) {
	aVis, err := vs.protoToVisit(v)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	gVis, err := vs.VisitService.Set(c, aVis)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return vs.visitToProto(gVis)

func (vs *VisitTransport) visitToProto(visit *app.Visit) (*pb.VisitResponse, error) {
	created, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(visit.CreatedAt)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	updated, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(visit.UpdatedAt)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &pb.VisitResponse{Id: uint32(visit.ID), FirstName: visit.FirstName, LastName: visit.LastName, CreatedAt: created, UpdatedAt: updated}, nil

func (vs *VisitTransport) protoToVisit(visit *pb.VisitRequest) (*app.Visit, error) {
	return &app.Visit{
		ID:        uint(visit.Id),
		FirstName: visit.FirstName,
		LastName:  visit.LastName,
	}, nil
  • Register your gRPC handler
    // ..
    v9validator ""
    service ""
    grpcService ""
    pb ""

func main() {
    // ..
    grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(
        // ..
    defer grpcServer.GracefulStop()
    db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "DSN...")
    if err != nil {
    	log.Fatal("Cannot connect to DB")
    mySQLVisitService := service.NewVisitService(db, v9validator.New())
    visitTrans := grpcService.VisitTransport{VisitService: mySQLVisitService}
    pb.RegisterVisitServiceServer(grpcServer, &visitTrans)
    if err := grpcServer.Serve(lis); err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Cannot start gRPC server")
  • Now you can query your service using cURL (e.g localhost/visit/1) or a gRPC client
  • You're done!


Logger is a simple tool, yet probably the most useful one. Developers tend to consider logs as a "Free" resource, but in reality it can become quite pricey. Especially when your log-shipper need to do some parsing and aggregations.
In this implementation I used Zap as it provide everything that an equivalent library does (e.g Logrush) and yet 10x faster.


zapConfig := zap.NewProductionConfig()
zapConfig.Development = true
// Log our time, set the time as a string field called "time"
logger.Info("Hi there, the time is", zap.String("time", time.Now().Format(time.RFC850)))

Async Job processing

  • Consumer
TODO: Register "repeat(str string) string { return str }" as "repeat"
  • Producer, Using machinery
    import (
    	reHystrix ""
    	machineryProducer ""
    macineryServer := .. Your machinery instance ..
    // Initiate our producer, configure its limitations using Hystrix abd retrier
	producer := machineryProducer.NewProducer(server,
	    // Uses Hystrix as circuit breaker
			Timeout:                conf.GetInt(""),
			MaxConcurrentRequests:  conf.GetInt(""),
			RequestVolumeThreshold: conf.GetInt(""),
			SleepWindow:            conf.GetInt(""),
			ErrorPercentThreshold:  conf.GetInt(""),
		// Retry X attepts with Y delay between each failure
		reHystrix.RetryConfig{Attempts: conf.GetInt(""), Delay: conf.GetDuration("")})

    // Lets send a task throught the wire
    // First thing, define our options
    //  You can pass things like eta, routingKey, onSuccess and more.
    //  Or any other attribute in request.Request
    options := map[string]interface{}{} 
    // Next, lets actually send the task, note that "repeat" is already registered on the consumer side
    if request, err := producer.NewRequest("repeat", options, "Hello"); err == nil {
        asyncResult, err := producer.Produce(request, nil)
        err := asyncResult.Subscribe(time.Duration(1000) // Wait 1sec
        if err != nil {
            // You can check if we exceded our subscription duration (1sec)
            // if e, ok := err.(producer.ErrTimeoutReached); ok == true {
            //     log.error("Timeout reached")
            // }
        } else {
            // We got a response, it doesn't mean that everything went smooth.
            //  we still need to check if the response was succesfull:
            // asyncResult.IsSuccess()
            // asyncResult.IsFailure()
            // results := asyncResult.Result() // []producer.Result / results[0].Type == "string" / results[0].Value == "Hello"
        return asyncResult, nil
    } else {
        log.error("Unable to call \"repeat\")


  • Docker: MySQL + RabbitMQ setup
  • Docker-compose: Jaeger all-in-one
  • Gin: Open tracing
  • Examples
  • Machinery: Open tracing
  • Redis Commander
  • Zap Prometheus message type count
  • Jaeger/OT + Prometheus
  • gRPC, HTTP Gateway and Swagger-UI
  • gRPC and HTTP Gateway validation error sync
  • gRPC opentracing and instrumentation
  • Task utility similar to Rake
  • Auto migration run during development / Manual task
  • Embed OpenAPI using packr
  • Run health checks and metrics on a different port then gRPC-gateway
  • Machinery:
    • Producer and Result interface/wrapper
    • Producer: Hystrix (Conn, CB, TO)
    • Consumer: task registration pattern
    • Machinery Redis result backend limits/config (MaxActive, MaxIdle, MaxConnLifetime etc.)
    • Add configuration support for all backends (including healthchecks)
  • Docker: shared /vendor folder for improved debugging expiriance.
  • Healtcheck for Redis, AMQP and Goroutine Threshold
  • Protect monitoring HTTP entrypoints (http://localhost/metrics)
  • Unit-test coverage
  • Prometheus server
  • Log shipping
  • Dockerized SSL support
  • Hystrix turbine/dashboard


An easy to use, extensible boilerplate for Go applications


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