Warning: This toy compiler is basic as hell. It spits out X86-64 code that works only on Linux. If you were expecting miracles, turn around! This thing got abandoned after we hit the bare minimum. Syntax? We shamelessly ripped it from Zig because, why not?
fn scream_out_loud(data: &u8) void {
asm {
"mov rsi, [rdi+8]" // Put the string address in rsi
"mov rdx, [rdi+0]" // Load length, or whatever, into rdx
"mov rdi, 1" // Put 1 in rdi (stdout, duh)
"mov rax, 1" // Syscall write
"syscall" // Do the thing
fn main() void {
scream_out_loud("Hello, filthy world!\n");
make FILE=hello.hyena
make bin
./tmp # If this works, you're blessed
- i8, i16, i32, i64: Negative or positive, your pick.
- u8, u16, u32, u64: Only positive because they’re too optimistic.
: Like your ex’s promises.
: The abyss. The nothingness. Also known as "who cares?"
: Because sometimes, life gives you nothing.
// This is how you tell the compiler to ignore your whining.
enum DrunkenChoices {
tequila = 30, // Advanced level
whiskey // 31: Life's mistakes start here
struct Hangover {
headache: i8,
regret: u8,
number_of_texts_sent: u64,
hours_of_blackout: i64
union Sobriety {
shots_taken: u64,
stupid_decisions_made: u8
var last_nights_drinks: [5]u8 = undefined; // Because who remembers?
// or
var drinks = []u8{'beer', 'wine', 'vodka', 'rum', 'whiskey'};
var regrets = []&u8{"I shouldn't have", "Why did I text?", "Never again"};
fn add_regrets(x: u64, y: u64) u64 {
return x + y;
fn main() void {
add_regrets(56, 60); // No regrets? Ha!
fn main() void {
var bad_decision: i8 = undefined; // A variable to hold your next mistake
bad_decision = 21;
var drunkness_level = 22; // No need to explain
// Enum example
enum Choices {
var my_choice = Choices.hell_no;
var your_choice = Choices.yes;
// Struct example
struct Weekend {
friday: i8,
saturday: i8
var my_weekend: Weekend = undefined;
my_weekend = Weekend { .friday = 1, .saturday = 2 };
var my_sunday = Weekend { .friday = 50, .saturday = 69 };
my_sunday.friday = 51;
var saturday_morning = my_sunday.saturday;
// Union example
union StateOfMind {
clarity: u64,
chaos: i8
var current_state = StateOfMind { .chaos = 10 };
// Array example
var blackout_periods: [20]u64 = undefined;
var my_mistakes = []u64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
var mistakes_count = my_mistakes.len;
var first_mistake = my_mistakes[0]; // The biggest one
my_mistakes[0] = 70; // Fixing the first mistake
// u8 slice
var memory_loss = "still drunk";
var mem_loss_len = memory_loss.len;
var mem_loss_ptr = memory_loss.ptr;
var mistake_slice: &u8 = undefined;
mistake_slice = my_mistakes[0..3];
var last_mistake = mistake_slice[2]; // The last one (or so you thought)
mistake_slice[1] = 2; // Denial
var regret_slice = mistake_slice[0..2];
// Pointer (You’re getting fancy now, huh?)
var brain_cells_left = 20;
var ptr_to_brain: *i32 = &brain_cells_left;
ptr_to_brain.* = 21; // Slightly better!
fn main() {
var brain = 0;
if (brain == 0) {
// Do something dumb
} else if (brain == 1) {
// Slightly better but still bad
} else {
// Complete disaster
fn main() {
var attempts = 0;
while (attempts < 10) {
attempts += 1;
if (attempts == 3) continue; // Skip the embarrassing one
if (attempts == 9) break; // Call it quits
// Labelled while loops, because you love pain
in: while (true) {
mid: while (true) {
out: while (true) {
break :in; // Abort mission!
fn main() void {
var bad_decision = "1984";
switch (bad_decision.len) {
1 => {},
10..30 => {}, // In for a ride
else => {} // Life spiraling out of control
union() Choices {
sober: u64,
wasted: u8
var decision = Choices { .sober = 1 };
switch (decision) {
.sober => |clear_mind| {
// Yeah, right.
else => {} // You're drunk again
struct Cow {
name: &u8, // The poor thing's name
age: u8 // How many years it’s suffered on this earth
impl Cow {
// Create a cow with a name and age, no refunds.
init(name: &u8, age: u8) Cow {
return Cow {
.name = name,
.age = age
// Because cows also get old and grumpy.
reage(self: *Cow, age: u8) void {
self.age = age; // "I’m old now, moo."
// Sometimes, even cows wanna reinvent themselves.
rename(self: *Cow, name: &u8) void {
self.name = name; // "Call me Beyoncé now, peasant."
// Because asking a cow for its name is somehow necessary.
getname(self: *Cow) &u8 {
return self.name; // "My name’s Cow, you human idiot."
// For when you're too drunk to remember how old your cow is.
getage(self: *Cow) u8 {
return self.age; // "I’m ancient, moo."
fn main() void {
// Meet Mutune, the OG cow, age 4.
var cow = Cow::init("Mutune", 4);
// But now Mutune wants a fancy new name.
cow.rename("Njiru"); // Midlife cow crisis.
// Also, Mutune... err Njiru... aged like cheese. Now 5.
// Let’s check how old this troublemaker is now.
var cow_name = cow.getname();
var cow_age = cow.getage();
// And now you've wasted your time learning about a damn cow.