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added configurable, additional tick delay for 4021 shift register via… #990

added configurable, additional tick delay for 4021 shift register via…

added configurable, additional tick delay for 4021 shift register via… #990

GitHub Actions / Test Results succeeded Sep 20, 2024 in 0s

All 150 tests pass in 0s

150 tests   150 ✅  0s ⏱️
 16 suites    0 💤
  1 files      0 ❌

Results for commit 2822c1c.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

150 tests found

There are 150 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyAdcPinConfiguration
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyAutoUpdate
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyDacPinConfiguration
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyDriverInitializationRoutine
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyGpiPinConfiguration
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyGpoPinConfiguration
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyHeterogeneousPinBehavior
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyReadAnalogPin
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyReadAnalogPinMultiple
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyReadDigitalPin
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyReadDigitalPinMultiple
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyWriteAnalogPin
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyWriteAnalogPinMultiple
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyWriteDigitalPin
MAX11300TestFixture ‑ verifyWriteDigitalPinMultiple
MidiTest ‑ allNotesOff
MidiTest ‑ allSoundOff
MidiTest ‑ badData
MidiTest ‑ channelMode
MidiTest ‑ channelPressure
MidiTest ‑ controlChange
MidiTest ‑ localControl
MidiTest ‑ mayoTest
MidiTest ‑ monoModeOn
MidiTest ‑ mtcQuarterFrame
MidiTest ‑ noteOff
MidiTest ‑ noteOn
MidiTest ‑ omniModeOff
MidiTest ‑ omniModeOn
MidiTest ‑ pitchBend
MidiTest ‑ polyModeOn
MidiTest ‑ polyphonicKeyPressure
MidiTest ‑ programChange
MidiTest ‑ resetAllControllers
MidiTest ‑ runningStatSysRealtime
MidiTest ‑ runningStatus
MidiTest ‑ runningStatusAndStatusBytes
MidiTest ‑ scUndefined0
MidiTest ‑ scUndefined1
MidiTest ‑ singleByteRunningStatusTest
MidiTest ‑ songPositionPointer
MidiTest ‑ songSelect
MidiTest ‑ sysexEnd
MidiTest ‑ systemExclusive
MidiTest ‑ systemRealTime
MidiTest ‑ tuneRequest
PinTests ‑ a_comparison
PinTests ‑ b_validity
PinTests ‑ c_copy
dev_MAX11300 ‑ a_VoltsTo12BitUint
dev_MAX11300 ‑ b_TwelveBitUintToVolts
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ a_ctor
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ b_equals
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ c_empty
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ d_getters
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ e_setters
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ f_reduced
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ g_translated
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ h_stetched
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ i_trimmed
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ j_withCenter
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ k_alignedWithin
hid_disp_Rectangle ‑ k_removeFrom
per_QSPIHandle_mock ‑ a_stateAfterInit
per_QSPIHandle_mock ‑ b_testErasure
per_QSPIHandle_mock ‑ c_testWrite
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ a_stateAfterConstruction
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ b_stateAfterInit
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ c_selectWithButtons
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ d_selectWithEncoder
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ e_allowEntering
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ f_closeItem
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ g_callbackItem
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ h_checkboxItem
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ i_valueItem
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ j_openUiPageItem
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ k_customItemEditable
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ l_customItemNonEditable
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ l_leaveEditingMode
ui_AbstractMenu ‑ m_closeMenu
util_CpuLoadMeter ‑ a_stateAfterInit
util_CpuLoadMeter ‑ b_stateAfterReset
util_CpuLoadMeter ‑ c_measureMinMax
util_CpuLoadMeter ‑ d_smoothedAverageLoad
util_CpuLoadMeter ‑ e_tolerateTickOverflow
util_FIFO ‑ a_getCapacity
util_FIFO ‑ b_simplePushAndPop
util_FIFO ‑ c_backAndFront
util_FIFO ‑ d_clear
util_FIFO ‑ e_insert
util_FIFO ‑ f_removeByIndex
util_FIFO ‑ g_removeByValue
util_FIFO ‑ h_passByReference
util_FIFO ‑ i_contains
util_FIFO ‑ j_countEqualTo
util_FixedCapStr ‑ a_basics
util_FixedCapStr ‑ b_equals
util_FixedCapStr ‑ c_startsWith
util_FixedCapStr ‑ d_startsWithIgnoringCase
util_FixedCapStr ‑ e_endsWith
util_FixedCapStr ‑ f_endsWithIgnoringCase
util_FixedCapStr ‑ g_clear
util_FixedCapStr ‑ h_reset
util_FixedCapStr ‑ i_appendString
util_FixedCapStr ‑ j_appendStringN
util_FixedCapStr ‑ k_appendCharacter
util_FixedCapStr ‑ l_removePrefix
util_FixedCapStr ‑ m_removeSuffix
util_FixedCapStr ‑ n_swap
util_FixedCapStr ‑ o_updateSize
util_FixedCapStr ‑ p_assignment
util_FixedCapStr ‑ q_resetAt
util_FixedCapStr ‑ r_operatorGtLt
util_FixedCapStr ‑ s_reverseSection
util_FixedCapStr ‑ t_appendInt
util_FixedCapStr ‑ u_appendFloat
util_MappedFloatValue ‑ a_default
util_MappedFloatValue ‑ b_set
util_MappedFloatValue ‑ c_mapLin
util_MappedFloatValue ‑ d_mapLog
util_MappedFloatValue ‑ e_mapPow2
util_MappedFloatValue ‑ f_appendToStr
util_MappedFloatValue ‑ g_stepUpDown
util_MappedIntValue ‑ a_default
util_MappedIntValue ‑ b_set
util_MappedIntValue ‑ c_map
util_MappedIntValue ‑ d_appendToStr
util_MappedIntValue ‑ e_stepUpDown
util_MappedStringListValue ‑ a_default
util_MappedStringListValue ‑ b_set
util_MappedStringListValue ‑ c_map
util_MappedStringListValue ‑ d_appendToStr
util_MappedStringListValue ‑ e_stepUpDown
util_PersistentStorage ‑ a_stateAfterInitClean
util_PersistentStorage ‑ a_stateAfterWrite
util_PersistentStorage ‑ c_recallData
util_PersistentStorage ‑ d_stateBeforeInitialize
util_Stack ‑ a_getCapacity
util_Stack ‑ b_simplePushAndPop
util_Stack ‑ c_clear
util_Stack ‑ d_insert
util_Stack ‑ e_removeByIndex
util_Stack ‑ f_removeByValue
util_Stack ‑ g_passByReference
util_Stack ‑ h_contains
util_Stack ‑ i_countEqualTo
util_VoctCalibration ‑ a_stateAfterConstruction
util_VoctCalibration ‑ b_recordValidRange
util_VoctCalibration ‑ c_postCalibrationProcessing
util_VoctCalibration ‑ d_manualValueSetting