This repository contains code from my experimention around Raspberry Pi + PiCamera and Azure IoT Edge
It all started with the idea of preserving endangered species. Given the lack of pictures of endangered species I ended up monitoring my cat since I had plenty of footage for my cat :)
- I wanted to use a PiCamera since 1) I already had one and 2) it has very good resolution and does not add additional HW complexity.
- I wanted to minimize the amount of code so I ended up using Custom Vision APIs which now allows you to export a custom model to the edge.
I did struggle a bit to find examples to use PiCamera instead of regular USB cameras. Since I could not find any tutorial I thought it was meaningful to publish my code as an example.
This code was built following these tutorials:
I first debugged my code on a Linux VM:
- Quickstart for Linux devices:
.. and then deployed it on a raspberry Pi 3 module B+
- To setup your Raspberry Pi follow these instructions:
You will notice that since we are using PiCamera you will have to modify the default container configuration to:
- expose the PiCamera to the container (via HostConfig in createOptions: Binds and Devices need to be specified, see deployment.template.json)
- modify the arm32/raspbian Dockerfile so that the moduleuser can access the PiCamera (adding the user to the video group)
- modify the arm32/raspbian Dockerfile so that the moduleuser can access the local disk creating a folder where the user has access