Releases: elfiservice/elfi
Some Fixes ClienteCtrl
Fixed some bugs When save the costumer changes in Edit and refacored a cron File to generate a Email to Admin with a report
d5df493 fix: when edit a costumer with empty fill keep on the DB
ac86079 fix: Cron pos-venda and registrarAlteracao Metodo in ClienteCtrl
7f6b73c refactore: email_pos_venda file to cron system
60af9fe fix: URL when send satisfation search concluding budget
21c4e47 feat: provided error msg and color Red
0659880 refactore: cron orc-aguardando-aprovacao conting and email
6ea4b71 fix: when save new Cliente username instead ID in DB
Provided history of customer changes
Providing to system Log the changes in Cliente edit
Some Fixes in ediar_historico_orc_aprovado e imprimiR_orc
Using FPDF to Generate Budgets PDFs
Changing Log
3aa7e38 Merge branch 'master' of
ba3251a feat: implentado-fpdf-gerando-orc-em-pdf
346d677 feat: implentado-fpdf-gerando-orc-em-pdf
6856060 feat: impl phpToPDF parte 1
Refactoring Login structure using Usuario Entity
Log Version
51e9c - refactor: implementing Usuário class
67c55 - refactor: change of Colaborador to Usuário class
afaab - chore: change of ColaboradorCtrl to UsuarioCtrl
ec5f7 - chore: change Colaborador -> Usuario in manterOrcamentos
bf043 - chore: change Colaborador to Usuario perfil usuario
0d186 - chore: change Colaborador to Usuario -> cadastro_uruario e notificaciones
cb08d - refactore: give access superAdim to alterar-situacao-orc
071eb - chore: change Colaborador->Usuario controle-tipo-conta e troca-senha
28fdd - chore: formatted user name
c9ae4 - chore: formated username conti.
087e4 - chore: #FormatedgetLogin 1
7414b - chore: FormatedGetLogin 1
42f27 - chore: changed getId() of Usuario.class
2874c - fix: when Cliente haven't budget in cliente/perfil
Contract monitoring session
v2.1.1 fix: mask to date input editar_orc_aprovado
new structure Css and Navigation through modules Views
- Using the CSS Framework from W3Schools
- Changed the structure of navigation to modules
- Fixed some troubles
persisteir dados ao Erro no add novo cliente
e add botao enviar Email todos Clientes
Refatorado: retirado mysql e posto mysqli Padrão Singleton todas as Paginas
Refatorado pg Configurações