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A Regular Expression Library and CFG parser for Rust using Brzozski Derivatives

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Status: Not Working

BARRE - Borozowski / Antimirov Rust Regular Expressions

This library implements a regular-expression-like engine using Brzozowski's "parsing with derivatives" algorithm rather than the traditional DFA/NFA arrangement. Right now, this is simply a recognizer, in that it acknowledges that a string matches a regular expression, return true or false. It doesn't do anything special beyond that.

Right now I haven't done anything with Antimirov's algorithm.

Most of this is not working at the moment. What does work is the basic, naive recognizer as described in the parsing with derivatives link mentioned above, complete with the explosion in time and space.


Barre has passed a major developmental milestone: it now recognizes recursive regular expressions with all of the optimizations from Might & Adams. It doesn't do anything useful with them, but it does recognize them.

  • Implement Adam's right-side optimizations for initial grammars.
  • Implement a type-safe reduction return handler.
  • Implement Sulzmann's POSIX disambiguation rule to reduce the ParseSets to a single ParseTree. ** Investigate: Is this the same thing as the CUT operator?
  • Implement Darais's "LanguageOfLanguages" layer.
  • Implement a Regex dialectal parser on top of Barre
  • Implement alternative dialectal parsers
  • Implement a PEG.


BARRE implements a regular expression library that implements the same primitives as the Rustlang Regular Expression library. The underlying library consists of the following primitives:

Empty        Matches nothing
Epsilon      Matches the empty string
Token(c)     Matches a single character
Any()        Matches any character
Alt(n, n)    Alternate
Cat(n, n)    Concatenation
Range(s, n)  Range
NRange(s, n) Not-In-Range
Repeat(n)    Repeat
Cap(n)       Defines a capture group  // Not Implemented
Back(i)      Defines a backreference  // Not Implemented

With these, the entire universe of regular expressions can be described. For example, the expression (a|b) is encoded as Alt(Char('a'), Char('b')), and (a|b)* is Repeat(Alt(Char('a'), Char('b'))).


A macro library is provided, and usually works! The above examples could be written as:

alt{ tok { 'a' }, tok { 'b' } }


rep { alt { tok { 'a' }, tok { 'b' } } }

Traditional Regexp language (Also Not Implemented Yet)

The traditional regular expression language is handled by a parser written in itself (naturally). It supports the following constructs:

Matching one character

.             any character except new line (includes new line with s flag)
\d            digit (\p{Nd})
\D            not digit
\w            word character
\W            non-word character
\s            whitespace
\S            not-whitespace

Character classes

[xyz]         A character class matching either x, y or z (union).
[^xyz]        A character class matching any character except x, y and z.
[a-z]         A character class matching any character in range a-z.
[[:alpha:]]   ASCII character class ([A-Za-z])
[[:^alpha:]]  Negated ASCII character class ([^A-Za-z])
[x[^xyz]]     Nested/grouping character class (matching any character except y and z)
[a-y&&xyz]    Intersection (matching x or y)
[0-9&&[^4]]   Subtraction using intersection and negation (matching 0-9 except 4)
[0-9--4]      Direct subtraction (matching 0-9 except 4)
[a-g~~b-h]    Symmetric difference (matching `a` and `h` only)
[\[\]]        Escaping in character classes (matching [ or ])

Composite Groups

xy     Concatenation
(x|y)  Alternation


x*        zero or more of x
x+        one or more of x
x?        zero or one of x
x{n,m}    at least n x and at most m x
x{n,}     at least n x
x{n}      exactly n x
x{n}?     exactly n x

Captured Groups

(exp)     Capture group returned in a Vec


\1        the matched text (*not* the expression) of the first captured group

Note that this does not backtrack; that is, if more than one expression in the capture group could possibly match the string encountered, only the first valid match will be considered for a later capture group backreference.


Matt Might has implemented parsing with derivatives in his blog post Yacc Is Dead and subsequent research, in a variety of languages including Racket, Scala, and Haskell. You'll note that all of those are functional, garbage-collected languages. The best implementation, in the sense of being the most "readable", is the Racket Implementation at the Programming Languages at University of Maryland program, and it's what I've been using as an example, although my first draft is line-for line a reimplementation of my Python example.

As Rust is famously hostile to traditional tree structures, I decided to use Rust Leipzig's Idiomatic Trees in Rust example, although my use case is much smaller and simpler than his and so I've gone and done it my way.


I'm going to use the word "char" throughout to discuss the symbols in a string that one can regex. It isn't necessary true, and there are more advanced uses, but for now, we're going to stick with what we know: regular expressions parse strings of characters.

Traditional Regular Expressions

In a traditional regular expression engine there is a graph, a bunch of nodes connected by edges. There's a starting node. For the first character, we check to see if the starting node recognizes it. If it doesn't, the match fails. If it does, we move to another node, and check the second character, and so forth. It's possible that the node we move to is the same node, as is the case when you have, say, A*, the repetition operator. Eventually, you reach a terminal node, which means that you've reached the end of the regular expression, and the string matches.

In the basic, traditional regular expression engine, there are only a few kinds of nodes: Alternative (the | operator), Repetition (the * operator), Concatenation, and Char. In this system, "ABC" is Concatenation(Char('A'), Char('B'), Char('C')). The problem with traditional regular expression engines is that if the Alternative node fails somewhere down the line, the system has to backtrack to the Alternative node and take a different edge out until it gets a match or all alternatives fail.

Parsing With Derivatives

In parsing with derivatives, every node has a derivative, which is a regular expression that will match the rest of the string after a character has been analyzed. So if you have a string ABC and a recognizer ABC, after A has been analyzed you have a new analyzer, BC, which is ready to analyze the rest of the string.

When you put in repetition and alternatives, though, things get messy. The good news is that, when you pass a character to an alternative, because the derivative of an alternative contains all possible future alternatives given the character just processed, there's no need for backtracking, just a pruning of possible continuations until one alternate is exhausted, or none succeed and the match fails.

The bad news is that even a few simple expressions could blossomm into dozens or even hundreds of nodes. The performance is currently terrible, too. There are specializations that can speed it up, and I hope to get to them.

The basics of the algorithm, as shown in my Python implementation, are described in mathematical notation:

D(∅) = ∅
D(ε) = ∅
D(c) = ε if c = c'
D(c') = ∅ if c ≠ c'
D(p s) = N(p) D(s) | D(p) s
D(l | r) = D(1) | Dc(r)
D(e*) = D(e) e*

N(∅) = ∅
N(ε) = ε
N(c) = ∅
N(p s) = N(p) N(s)
N(l | r) = N(l) | N(r)
N(e*) = ε

First, the most basic recognizers are the null ∅, which recognizes no strings; epsilon ε, which recognizes only the empty string, and c, which recognizes a single character. The rules of derivatives, D, say that trying to derive null or epsilon results in null, deriving c returns epsilon if it matches the candidate, otherwise null. The derivative of an alternation is the alternation of all the derivatives of all the expressions being alternated, the derivative of repetition is the derivative of the thing being repeated concatenated with the original, and concatenation is... weird.

Concatenation has a prefix-- the next character, and a suffix-- everything that follows. If the prefix cannot return null, the derivative is the concatenation of the derivative of the prefix with the suffix, and if it can, it's the alternative between that and the derivative of the suffix.

There are excellent papers on the subject. I recommend Klipse's for more detail.


Copyright (C) 2018 Elf M. Sternberg

Regex-Derivatives is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

- Elf M. Sternberg <[email protected]>


A Regular Expression Library and CFG parser for Rust using Brzozski Derivatives






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