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Feel free to test, use and/or modify.
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I had a requirement to create a Spring Boot Application with Jersey rest end-points. Researching on Internet about how to overwrite the SB configuration I founded that it solves with only one dependency!
So, here is a little example about how to configure and test (with Mockito and EasyMock) a Jersey end-point in a Spring Boot Application.
- Adds the Spring Boot starter dependency for Jersey
- Replaces the default Spring Boot annotations with Jersey annotations for the rest end-points
- Includes the configuration bean to include the Jersey's Controller (classes or packages)
- Includes Unit Tests using:
- Mockito for Spring Boot 1.4 or higer
- Mockito for Spring Boot 1.3.8 or lower
- EasyMock 3.4
- Tested with Spring Boot versions:
- 1.5.3.RELEASE
- 1.4.2.RELEASE
- 1.3.8.RELEASE (without ServletInitiliazer class)
Let me know if you have any problem, comment or new ideas:
Email: [email protected]
Edited on: 7th June 2017