Simple api for getting data from the TRAMS system
We use Github Container Registry to host our docker images. You can sign into by first creating a Personal Access Token (PAT) for Github and then following the guide here.
Once signed into you can pull down and run the trams-development-database
image using:
docker run -d -p 1433:1433
You can connect to the MSSQL Server on port 1433
We currently have two database contexts defined: LegacyTramsDbContext
and TramsDbContext
. Both database contexts manage the same database, but are used to manage different sets of tables.
is used to manage our models for tables which exist in the sip
database and we have no control over - we treat these tables as read-only and don't commit migrations for them. If you do generate migrations for this context, it should not be commited to the repository.
is the db context for models that we do control, and we can generate migrations for. These migrations will be applied to the database in dev
, pre-prod
, and prod
, and so should be commited to the repository when changes are made to models.
To generate migrations for TramsDbContext
, use the following command:
dotnet ef migrations add <MIGRATION_NAME> --project TramsDataApi --context TramsDataApi.DatabaseModels.TramsDbContext -o Migrations/TramsDb
And to generate migrations for LegacyTramsDbContext
dotnet ef migrations add <MIGRATION_NAME> --project TramsDataApi --context TramsDataApi.DatabaseModels.LegacyTramsDbContext -o Migrations/LegacyTramsDb
Migrations put into the Migrations/LegacyTramsDb
directory will not be commited to git.
To apply a set of migrations to the database, use dotnet ef database update
dotnet ef database update --connection <CONNECTION_STRING> --project TramsDataApi --context TramsDataApi.DatabaseModels.<CONTEXT>
For example, to apply the migrations generated by TramsDbContext
to the database Docker image:
dotnet ef database update --connection "Server=localhost,1433;Database=sip;User=sa;Password=StrongPassword905" --project TramsDataApi --context TramsDataApi.DatabaseModels.TramsDbContext
Api Key management is done through the use of config files. There are currently placeholder entries in the various forms of appsettings.json
, but new keys should not be added to these files, or committed to this repository.
For more information on how this decision was reached, please refer to this ADR.
Api Keys are provisioned at the environment level, and are stored as JSON objects in the following format:
"userName": "<the user name>",
"apiKey": "<the unique api key>"
If injected through the environment, use ApiKeys__x
naming conventions for the variables, as .NET will automatically configure this for us. e.g. export ApiKeys__0=xxxx
will define the first API in the array.
The current census .csv file can be found a TramsDataApi/CensusData/
If you need to replace this file with a newer one then add the new file to the TramsDataApi/CensusData/
folder and then update the CensusDataGateway.cs
file to reflect the new filename.