Ensure that you have the following installed:
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Hostupdater (
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
) - Composer
composer install
vagrant up
Once it is setup, visit http://journal-cms.local
First, ssh into the VM.
vagrant ssh
cd /var/www/journal-cms
Next, you need to install the dev dependencies.
composer install
Then, you can run the project tests...
Or you can run the smoke tests.
To install the Git precommit that prevents committing large files, run:
cp .git-hooks-pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit
If you want to completely replay the set up of this project locally then you can run the following commands:
vagrant destroy -f
vagrant box remove geerlingguy/ubuntu2004
composer run-script clean-up
The setup of goaws has been temporarily disabled. Most development is unimpacted by this but we have created a ticket to restore this functionality.
First you need to install DDev, installation instruction for most platforms available here: https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/users/install/ddev-installation/
ddev composer install
ddev start
ddev drush si minimal --existing-config -y
Visit http://journal-cms.ddev.site:8080.
If you want to completely replay the set up of this project locally then you can run the following commands:
ddev stop --remove-data
ddev composer run-script clean-up