Automate the environment creation for python using venv
library similar to the conda but with no additional overheads.
Warden can be used to:
- create an environment
- install and uninstall packages to that environment
- run python scripts from that environment.
git clone
Easy Method:
Place the warden.exe
file in a cloned folder which is include in the environment path variable.
Building From Source:
- Clone the directory git clone
- You need a terminal which can run cmake like `Developer Powershell for Vscode`.
- Navigate to the cloned folder in the terminal.
- Run the build.bat file.
- This will generate a `warden.exe` file in the cloned folder.
- Place the executable in a folder that is in environment path variable or add it to the environment path.
- You can also place it in the project directory and use it from there to maintain the environment.
mkdir test
warden setup test_env # creates a new environment with the name of test_env if there is a requirements.txt availabel all packages install automatically
echo "print(hello world)" >> # create a test script
warden run # to execute the script
warden install numpy # install a package to the environment
warden clean # delets the environment
Creates a new environment in the directory the command is run from.
You can also give this environment a name.
If there is a requirements.txt
available, it automatically installs all the listed packages in the environment.
warden setup
warden setup env_name
This command can be used to install additional packages to the environment.
warden install numpy==1.21
warden install matplotlib
This command can be used to upgrade the pip to the latest version
warden update
This command can be used to uninstall packages from the environment
warden uninstall numpy
This command executes the python script with the setup environment
warden run
This can be executed from the directory where environment was created
warden clean
To delete the environment
- Delete the foder with the environment name default is env
- Delete the .configWarden.ini