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Lightweight Functional interface to wrap access to Deep Learning, ML models
and Hyper Params Search.
Logic follows Scikit Learn API for easy extentions logic.

*Goal to facilitate Prototype script code to Semi-Prod code in a minimal amount of code refactoring ... *

#### Docs here:  (incomplete docs)
#### Pypi here :

Install as editable package   ONLY dev branch

cd yourfolder
git clone mlmodels
cd mlmodels
git checkout dev     
pip install -e .  --no-deps  

### Test, in CLI type :

####  dependencies

######### Entry CLI  ############################################################################
ml_models  :  mlmodels/
              Lightweight Functional interface to execute models

ml_models --do  
    model_list  :  list all models in the repo                            
    testall     :  test all modules inside model_tf
    test        :  test a certain module inside model_tf
    fit         :  wrap fit generic m    ethod
    predict     :  predict  using a pre-trained model and some data
    generate_config  :  generate config file from code source

ml_optim   :  mlmodels/
              Lightweight Functional interface to wrap Hyper-parameter Optimization
ml_optim --do
   test      :  Test the hyperparameter optimization for a specific model
   test_all  :  TODO, Test all
   search    :  search for the best hyperparameters of a specific model

ml_test      :  A lot of tests

######### Command line sample        #############################################################

#### generate config file
ml_models  --do generate_config  --model_uri  --save_folder "c:\myconfig\"

#### TF LSTM model
ml_models  --model_uri model_tf/  --do test

#### Custom  Models
ml_models --do test  --model_uri "D:\_devs\Python01\gitdev\mlmodels\mlmodels\model_tf\"

#### PyTorch models
ml_models  --model_uri model_tch/  --do test

#### Model param search test
ml_optim --do test

#### For normal optimization search method
ml_optim --do search --ntrials 1  --config_file optim_config.json --optim_method normal
ml_optim --do search --ntrials 1  --config_file optim_config.json --optim_method prune  ###### for pruning method

#### HyperParam standalone run
ml_optim --modelname  --do test
ml_optim --modelname  --do search

########## How to add a new model ################################################################## 
*How to define a custom model ?*
   Create a folder,
   Create a file

   Include those classes/functions :
      Class Model()                  :   Model definition
      def fit(model, data_pars, model_pars, compute_pars, )     : Train the model
      def predict(model, sess, data_pars, compute_pars, out_pars )         : Predict the results
      def metric(ypred, data_pars, compute_pars, out_pars )         : Measure the results

      def get_pars()                    : example of parameters of the model
      def get_dataset(data_pars)        : load dataset
      def test()                        : example running the model     
      def test2()                       : example running the model in global settings  

      def save()                        : save the model
      def load()                        : load the trained model

  Template is available in mlmodels/template/

#########  Interface ############################################################################### 
   fit(model, module, session, data_pars, out_pars   )
   metrics(model, module, session, data_pars, out_pars)
   predict(model, module, session, data_pars, out_pars)
   save(model, path)
   optim(modelname="",  model_pars= {}, data_pars = {}, compute_pars={"method": "normal/prune"}
       , save_folder="/mymodel/", log_folder="", ntrials=2) 

   optim_optuna(modelname="", model_pars= {}, data_pars = {}, compute_pars={"method" : "normal/prune"},
                save_folder="/mymodel/", log_folder="", ntrials=2) 

### Generic parameters :
   Define in models_config.json
   model_params      :  Relative to model definition 
   compute_pars      :  Relative to  the compute process
   data_pars         :  Relative to the input data
   out_pars          :  Relative to outout data

   Sometimes, data_pars is required to setup the model (ie CNN with image size...)

######### Code sample  #############################################################################
from mlmodels.models import module_load, data_loader, create_model, fit, predict, stats
from mlmodels.models import load #Load model weights

#### Training
model_pars   =  {  "num_layers": 1,
                  "size": ncol_input, "size_layer": 128, "output_size": ncol_output, "timestep": 4,
data_pars    =  {}
compute_pars =  { "learning_rate": 0.001, }

module        =  module_load( model_uri="" )  #Load file definition
model         =  model_create(module, model_pars)    # Create Model instance
model, sess   =  fit(model, module, data_pars)       # fit the model
metrics_val   =  metrics( model, sess, ["loss"])     # get stats "myfolder/", model, module, sess,)

#### Inference
model = load(folder)    #Create Model instance
ypred = module.predict(model, module, data_pars, compute_pars)     # predict pipeline

Naming convention for functions, arguments :

## Function naming   ##################################################
pd_   :  input is pandas dataframe
np_   :  input is numpy
sk_   :  inout is related to sklearn (ie sklearn model), input is numpy array

_col_  :  name for colums
_colcat_  :  name for category columns
_colnum_  :  name for numerical columns (folat)
_coltext_  : name for text data
_colid_  : for unique ID columns\

_stat_ : show statistics
_df_  : dataframe
_num_ : statistics

col_ :  function name for column list related.

### Argument Variables naming  ###############################################
df     :  variable name for dataframe
colname  : for list of columns
colcat : For category column
colnum :  For numerical columns
coldate : for date columns
coltext : for raw text columns

#########Conda install    ##################################################
conda create -n py36_tf13 python=3.6.5  -y
source activate py36_tf13

pip install tensorflow=1.13.1
pip install  ipykernel spyder-kernels=0.* -y
conda install  -c anaconda  tensorflow=1.13.1
conda install -c anaconda scikit-learn pandas matplotlib seaborn -y
conda install -c anaconda  ipykernel spyder-kernels=0.* -y