This code is based off the ESP8266 scanner by @OurCatDoor of WhiskeyTangoHotel.Com.
It scans the 2.4Ghz and logs open SSIDs (ie: not encryption) to a file named "open.txt" on the root of the SD card, however it also writes everything it finds to a text file called "all.txt" on the root of the SD card. It does not check for previously detected or not , it just keeps writing to the SD card whatever it finds. Use "sort -u" or something to extract the individual unique findings later in post-capture processing.
Yes, its very limited but it has a very distinct purpose. (see:
***Data logged: SSID,MAC Adress,Channel,Encryption Type.
- Setup
- Wire up sd card reader with the nodemcu.
- Create empty text file named logger.txt on the root of the sd card.
- Flash nodemcu with code.
The SD card breakout board used is the Adafruit mini-SD breakout board.
The wiring is :
SD card reader | nodeMCU
3v | 3v3 GND | GND CLK | D5 DO | D6 DI | D7 CS | D8
3D files on thingiverse :