yarn install
yarn dev
Create a new lobby for a game. Player will automatically join the newly created lobby.
{room: 'roomName', password: 'a password'}
Join an already created room.
{room: 'roomName'}
Leave the room you are currently in.
Start the game for the room you are currently in. Must have the minimum number of required players as specified for that room (2 by default).
Restart the current game.
Used in order to get data on a specified location.
{location: 'locationName'}
Perform an action at the specified location
{location: 'locationName', action: 'actionName'}
When no more actions are to be taken, tell the server you want to end your turn so another player can go.
Used to send messages to a player
{payload: 'Message string to display to the user'}
Used to send messages to a player
status: 'success',
payload: {
id: 'location id',
name: 'location name',
description: 'location description',
requiredInfluence: 14,
ownedBy: 'playerId',
availableActions: [],
allActions: [],
influences: []
Used to send messages to a player
status: 'success/failure',
state: 'game/lobby/lobbyBrowser',
payload: {}