This web part is an individually packaged extension from the SharePoint Starter Kit provided by the Community. You can find more information about them here.
git clone the repo
npm i
npm i -g gulp
gulp serve
gulp clean
gulp build
gulp bundle --ship
gulp package-solution --ship
There are no list or feature configurations you need to do. Here are the steps to get you going:
- Once you package the solution, drag the sppkg solution from the SharePoint > Solution folder to your app catalog on your dev tenant.
- Deploy the solution.
- Add the app to your hub site (I have not tested it with other sites yet).
- Search and add the tiles web part to your page.
- Configure the links, urls and the icons for the webpart. Pro tip: you can find the names of the different app icons available in the Office UI Fabric:
I would like to iterate, this isn't source code, I am not the author of this code. It was used from the PnP-Starter-Kit in the SharePoint repo. I may update this code as needed, and it should only be deployed into test tenants. This is just the tiles web part from the solution.