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Flow Visualization

This is an application to generate flow graphs from JSON or YAML.

How to run

Visit If you want to run this application locally, run npm start and open http://localhost:3000/.


If you run the application, you'll see that there are three editors. One to set global defaults, one to describe the nodes and one for the connections between these nodes (edges).

Note when reading this documentation: this is a React application, so all ID's/properties are written in camelCase.

Global defaults

Global defaults are useful when a lot of nodes and/or edges have the same properties and you don't want to repeat yourself every time. These global default values are used as fallbacks if certain properties are not specified within the nodes or edges.

Settings which apply to the entire graph

Key Possible Values Default Explanation
autoLayout true or false false If set to true, dagre is used to automatically determine to positions of the nodes. Individually set positions will be overwritten see Node positioning for more information.
orientation horizontal, vertical horizontal The orientation of the graph. If you want to work from top to bottom or from bottom to top, set orientation to vertical.

Settings which apply to the nodes

Key Possible Values Default Explanation
fill Any CSS color white The color of the nodes.
fontsize Any number 12 The fontsize of the text in the nodes.
shape 8-star, big-star, circle, cylinder, diamond, hexagon, note, rectangle, square, star, triangle,
comunica,rmlio, solid
square The shape of the nodes.
stroke Any CSS color black The color of the stroke of the nodes.
strokeWidth Any number 1 The thickness of the stroke of the nodes.
height Any number 50 The height of the nodes.
width Any number 50 The width of the nodes. It is recommended to use the same value for width and height.

Settings which apply to the edges

Key Possible Values Default Explanation
animated true or false false Set a default animation for the edge. See also Animations.
animation See MDN Web Docs about animation
edgeColor Any CSS color is valid, e.g. steelblue, #FFD700, rgb(65, 105, 225) ... black The color of the edges between the nodes.
edgeThickness Any number 1.2 The thickness of the edges between the nodes.
strokeDasharray e.g. 3, 5 3 1 3 ...
see MDN Web Docs for more information
0 The pattern of dashes of the edges.
markerEnd {type: arrow|arrowclosed, orient: <orient value>, color: <any CSS color>}
For orient, see MDN Web Docs
{} The arrowhead at the end of the edges. Notice that there are two options for type. arrow is a shallow arrow and arrowclosed will be filled. If you do not specify color, the color of the edge will also be the color of the arrow.
makerStart {type: arrow|arrowclosed, orient: <orient value>, color: <any CSS color>}
For orient, see MDN Web Docs
{orient: auto-start-reverse} The arrowhead at the beginning of the edges. Everytime you use markerStart, you should actually reverse the arrow if you want the arrow to point to the outside. If you do not specify orient, this is done for you. If you want to point markerStart to the inside, you can still do that by giving orient the value auto.
type default (= Bézier curve), step, smoothstep,straight default Set how the edge should look like (straight line, curve ...).


fill, fontsize, shape, stroke, strokeWidth, height and width are also usable on individual nodes. They are explained in the section Global defaults.

Key Possible Values Default Explanation
id Any string If title is unique among the nodes with no ID's, title becomes the ID. Otherwise label, otherwise shape, otherwise image. If nothing of that is possible, a random number becomes the ID. Used to refer to the node.
position {x: <number>, y: <number>} {x: 0, y: 0}
Except for when autoLayout is true in the global default settings of when vgroup or hgroup is used.
The position of the node.
vgroup Any string undefined Used to vertically align a group of nodes. See Node positioning for more information.
hgroup Any string undefined Used to horizontally align a group of nodes. See Node positioning for more information.
label Any string undefined The text inside a node.
title Any string undefined The title of a node. E.g. useful to name a parentNode.
image Any URL, comunica,rmlio or solid undefined The image inside a node. This image takes up the entire width and height of the node. If width and height are different, the image might not scale well. It is best to use images in nodes with the same width and height. If there is no individual stroke set for the node, there will be no stroke visible.
parentNode The ID of the parent undefined The parent of other nodes. If you want to add a node inside another node, you have to set parentNode in the child as the ID of the parent.
zIndex Any number 0 Controls the stacking order of the nodes. For more information, go to the MDN Web Docs.

Node positioning

As seen before, you can set the positions of all nodes individually with the position key. But it is not very efficient to set all nodes manually. There are three mechanisms to make the user's life easier:

  • Use the vgroup attribute
    • See example 4 for a clear example. With vgroup, you can group nodes and automatically align them vertically. It is recommended to set the position of one node. All the other nodes are being placed below that node. Notice that the nodes is a list of JSON objects. The first node whose position does not equal {x: 0, y:0} is used as a reference. All the x values are the value of the x of the reference node. The y values are adapted so that all nodes of the vgroup are placed vertically. So if there are two or more nodes with a location not equal to {x: 0, y:0}, only the location of the first node of the array is kept. All the other locations are being overridden.
  • Use the hgroup attribute
    • This is the same as vgroup, but the nodes are horizontally aligned. It is of course possible to mix vertical groups with horizontal groups. The order of evaluation is the order in which they occur in the array of nodes. If a node in the array is part of both a vgroup and an hgroup, the vgroup is evaluated first.
  • Use the autoLayout key:
    • If set to true, dagre is used to position all the nodes. The keys position , vgroup and hgroup are ignored. This method works for very simple flows (e.g. example 1). If your flows start to get a little more complex, this method is not recommended, because dagre does not always work very well in combination with this project.

Predefined images

As mentioned before, the value of image can be a predefined value or a URL. If you want to add your own predefined image, edit the hashmap SHAPES in the file nodeUtil.js. Pull requests are always welcome.

Add examples

When using this application, you'll notice there are buttons to load examples. These buttons load in the files exampleData1.js, exampleData2.js ... So if you want to add an example, just create another file. In this file, you should have a JSON object for the global defaults, an array of nodes and an array of edges. If your file is ready, import the JSON object and the arrays in EditorArea.js and add your imports to the array examples. A button to load in your example will automatically be generated.


animated, animation, edgeColor, edgeThickness, strokeDasharray, markerStart, markerEnd ant type are also usable on individual edges. They are explained in the section Global defaults.

Note that you can also set animation, edgeColor, edgeThickness and strokeDasharray as CSS properties in style. If that happens, animation, stroke, strokeWidth or strokeDasharray in style are of course not overwritten by possible values in global defaults.

Key Possible Values Default Explanation
source ID of the source node undefined Set the node from which the edge starts. This key is mandatory.
target ID of the target node undefined Set the node where the edge arrives. This key is mandatory.
zIndex Any number 0 Controls the layer order. If an edge crosses a node and you want the edge to be displayed on top of the edge, you can set zIndex to for example 1. If an edge without zIndex specified, connects two nodes with the same parentNode, zIndex is automatically set to 1.
label Any string undefined Add a label to the edge.
sourceHandle left-source, right-source, top-source, bottom-source This depends on the orientation of the node and the positions of the nodes connected by the edge. Set where the edge should attach to the source node.
targetHandle left-target, right-target, top-target, bottom-target This depends on the orientation of the node and the positions of the nodes connected by the edge. Set where the edge should attach to the target node.


There is a key animated, which you can set to true. But if you want custom animations, you should use the animation property. An example of the standard animated key can be found in example 2. Custom animations can be found in example 6. For more information about the animation property, please check out the MDN Web Docs. If you use animated with no strokeDasharray, strokeDasharray is set to a value of 5. If you use a custom animation, the animated key has no effect anymore.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. See for details.