Accelerate JSON stringification by providing OpenAPI/TypeBox model.
By providing model ahead of time, the library will generate a function that will serialize the object into a JSON string.
$ npx tsx benchmarks/medium.ts
clk: ~3.02 GHz
cpu: Apple M1 Max
runtime: node 22.6.0 (arm64-darwin)
JSON Accelerator
1.8x faster than JSON Stingify
2.15x faster than Fast Json Stringify
# Using either one of the package manager
npm install json-accelerator
yarn add json-accelerator
pnpm add json-accelerator
bun add json-accelerator
It is designed to be used with TypeBox but an OpenAPI schema should also work.
import { Type as t } from '@sinclair/typebox'
import { createAccelerator } from 'json-accelerator'
const shape = t.Object({
name: t.String(),
id: t.Number()
const value = {
id: 0,
name: 'saltyaom'
} satisfies typeof shape.static
const encode = createAccelerator(shape)
console.log(encode(value)) // {"id":0,"name":"saltyaom"}
This library WILL NOT check for the validity of the schema, it is expected that the schema is always correct.
This can be achieved by checking the input validity with TypeBox before passing it to the accelerator.
import { Type as t } from '@sinclair/typebox'
import { TypeCompiler } from '@sinclair/typebox/compiler'
import { createAccelerator } from 'json-accelerator'
const shape = t.Object({
name: t.String(),
id: t.Number()
const value = {
id: 0,
name: 'saltyaom'
const guard = TypeCompiler.Compile(shape)
const encode = createAccelerator(shape)
if (guard.Check(value)) encode(value)
If the shape is incorrect, the output will try to corece the value into an expected model but if failed the error will be thrown.