Ansible role. FreeBSD. Configure ZFS.
Feel free to share your feedback and report issues.
This role is needed to run tasks from sysctl.yml and loader.yml
- community.general
Review defaults and examples in vars.
- Change shell to /bin/sh
shell> ansible host -e 'ansible_shell_type=csh ansible_shell_executable=/bin/csh' -a 'sudo pw usermod user -s /bin/sh'
- Install the role and dependencies
shell> ansible-galaxy role install vbotka.freebsd_zfs
shell> ansible-galaxy role install vbotka.freebsd_postinstall
shell> ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
- Fit variables, e.g. in vars/main.yml
shell> editor vbotka.freebsd_zfs/vars/main.yml
- Create playbook
shell> cat freebsd-zfs.yml
- hosts: host
- vbotka.freebsd_zfs
- Configure the system
shell> ansible-playbook freebsd-zfs.yml