Live site: - authentication needed
An impersonate option to view other profile by passing user_id as below. - just a random user_id
A front end web site using Stack Exchange API to provide a more epic user experience.
When the application starts, a user will authenticate, and view own profile and stats. Able to view and search questions.
- Profile Information
- Badges
- Timeline of activity including Reputation, Badges, and Responses.
- A list of favorites.
- A tag cloud that will bring them directly to a search of open questions on that subject.
- List of questions with multiple sorting options.
- Title of question
- When question was asked
- Tags associated with question.
- Tag cloud of questions in search results.
####Question page have the following:
- Title
- Body
- Comments with # of votes, duration for the Question
- Answers
- Comments with # of votes, duration for the Answer
- User can flag/unflag question as favorite.
- AngularJS
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Sass
- Fully responsive layout
- Can view any profile by providing id
- Loading indicator
- Global error handler
- Paginator
- Added open questions link for questions with no tag
- unit test using karma test runner and jasmine with istanbul as code coverage
- end to end test using protractor and jasmine
- travis ci and coverall - only had intial test running, will add more soon. Click on badges above to see details.
- grunt build system, npm/bower