v 0.1.2 - September 2020
v0.1.2 (September 2020)
New functions
a. Add :py:func:systole.utils.to_rr()
. for peaks or index vectors convertion to RR intervals
b. Add :py:func:systole.recording.BrainVisionExG()
, a class to read physio recording from BrainVision ExG products via TCP/IP connection.
c. Add :py:func:systole.recording.findOximeter()
, find the USB port where Nonin Oximeter is plugged by looping through the USB port and checking the input.
d. Add :py:func:systole.detection.ecg_peaks()
. A wrapper around py-ecg-detectors for basic ECG peaks detection.
a. Improved documentation and examples.
b. Simplification of PPG example data import.
c. Improved interactive plotting functions.