A simple Address api that lets you create, update, and delete addresses.
- Add new address and manage details.
- Get all addresses.
- Get a specific address by id.
- Update an address by id.
- Delete an address by id.
- Express framework.
- Joi is used for validation.
- Mongodb is used for database.
- Nodejs is used for server.
## directory structure.
src # The source code.
┣ controller # The controller.
┃ ┗ address.controller.js # The address controller.
┣ middleware # The middleware.
┃ ┗ validation.js # The validation middleware.
┣ models # The models.
┃ ┗ address.model.js # The address model.
┣ routes # The routes.
┃ ┗ address.routes.js # The address routes.
┣ schema # The schema.
┃ ┗ validateReq.schema.js # The validation schema.
┣ service # The service.
┃ ┗ address.service.js # The address service.
┣ utils # The utils.
┃ ┣ connect.mongoose.utils.js # The connect mongoose utils.
┃ ┗ startServer.js # The start server utils.
┗ index.js # The index.
Runs the app in the development mode.
Enter http://localhost:1339/api/v1/address in postman.
Runs the app in the production mode.
Enter http://localhost:1339/api/v1/address in postman.
while the app is running, please visit http://localhost:1339/api/v1/documentation and view the docs and endpoints.
This project requires .env file to be present in the root directory to work, request for it if you will like to test the project.