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Randall O'Reilly edited this page Aug 7, 2021 · 27 revisions

Welcome to the emergent wiki!

Getting Started:

End-user Help:

  • NetView -- tips for using the network viewer
  • Tutorials -- helpful guides
  • Projects -- collections of simulations providing useful examples and science of neural modeling

Coding Simulations:

  • Design -- overall design notes.
  • Naming -- naming conventions.
  • Params -- the emer system for managing parameters.
  • Env -- an interface to encapsulate environments.
  • Weights -- saving and loading weight values: formats, etc
  • Prjns -- all about projections -- types, how to access, etc
  • VirtEnv -- notes on virtual environment plans
  • GUI -- misc gui tips for using GoGi
  • Embed -- how to embed weights, etc in an executable
  • Tutorial: Building Projects -- Overview of Building Projects
  • Python -- how to write simulations in Python.


  • Threads -- How to allocate layers to separate processing threads (goroutines) for parallel processing
  • MPI -- Message Passing Interface distributed memory computation
  • Parallel Runs -- How to run multiple runs in parallel (e.g., on a compute cluster)
  • Compartments -- how to treat different Prjns as separate neural compartments
  • GPU -- graphical processing unit computation


  • Rationale -- Narrative rationale for developing new version of emergent in Go.
  • History -- Historical info about previous versions of emergent.
  • Standards -- Notes on various neural network standards that we should consider interoperating with..


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