TopScore is a ruby on rails based json web app for collecting player scores and presenting player stats.
This application has been developed in Linux under a ruby environment managed by rvm
. It is highly recommended that you use rvm
or rbenv
to manage the ruby environment for this application. If you have rvm
installed it will guide you through setting up your environment when you change into the source directory on the command line.
It should run under OSX and windows with WSL but I do not have the environments to test this. If you have a problem please create a ticket in github.
It is assumed you have a recent version of docker
and docker-compose
setup and running on your system.
The application also requires a postgresql database which we will run in docker.
Clone the code from github, change into the directory and run bundle install using the commands given bellow.
git clone
cd top_score
bundle install
For local development and running tests you will need to setup a dockerized postgresql server using the following commands.
docker run -e POSTGRES_USER=developer \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=development-password \
-p \
-d postgres \
postgres -N 1000
When this completes you will need to create the initial database with
rails db:create db:migrate
If you have an existing postgresql server running on your machine the port it is using will conflict with the one the docker instance is exposed on. You will need to either stop the existing server before running the above command or change the port number the dockerized postgresql is exposed on. The process for running docker on a different port is explained bellow. Start by running the dockerized postgresql with the below command which will expose it on the first available port
docker run -e POSTGRES_USER=developer \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=development-password \
-p \
-d postgres \
postgres -N 1000
To find which port was, used run the docker ps
command. In the example below postgresql is being exposed on port 49153
$ docker ps
702e80ab39a6 postgres "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 seconds ago Up 2 seconds>5432/tcp suspicious_wilbur
You will now need to update the database port number in the config/database.yml
file to point to the port your database is exposed on, as shown in this example bellow (in the examples the port is 49143).
development_default: &development_default
<<: *default
port: 49153
When this completes you will need to create the initial database with
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
Tests are implemented in rspec
. To run all test type rspec
in the source root directory. Code coverage report will be generated in coverage/index.html when the test complete.
You can run the application locally using docker-compose with the following command which will start the application in a production like environment, using its own database and exposing an API on localhost port 80
docker-compose run web-api rails db:create db:migrate && \
docker-compose up
you can use control-c to stop the running containers
To upgrade just the rails containers
use control-c to stop the running containers
run the following.
docker-compose rm --force web-api && \
docker-compose up --no-start --no-recreate --build web-api && \
docker-compose up
WARN: this will loose all data in the containers database
Use control-c to stop running containers
remove all running and stopped containers (WARN: this will destroy all data in database)
docker-compose kill && \
docker-compose rm
The API has five endpoints listed below. The API calls are documented in more detail below.
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
scores GET /scores(.:format) scores#index Get all scores
POST /scores(.:format) scores#create Add a score
score GET /scores/:id(.:format) scores#show Get a score by id
DELETE /scores/:id(.:format) scores#destroy Delete a score by id
GET /players/:name(.:format) players#show Get stats on a player
All requests should use the following headers
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
All datetimes should be in UTC and ISO8601 encoded (e.g. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmZ)
Scores use a database generated UUID for their id
Query filters are given as url query parameters. They have the form
'q[' + attribute '_' + predicate + ']=' value
where attribute is one of name
, score
or time
and the predicates are any of those listed
on the ransack site at
In the following example we are filtering on the time
field for values greater then gt
the time
Method: GET
URL: /scores
Optional Filter
QUERY: q[attribute_predicate]=value
Current-Page: The page that was returned
Page-Items: Number of items per page
Total-Pages: Total number of pages
Total-Count: Total number of scores
Body: "[
"id": "UUID",
"name": "PLAYER_NAME",
"score": SCORE,
Method: POST
URL: /scores
BODY: "{
"score": {
"name": "PLAYER_NAME",
"score": SCORE,
Status: 200 OK
Body: "{
"id": "UUID",
"name": "PLAYER_NAME",
"score": SCORE,
Status: 422 Unprocessable Entity
Body: "{"message":"Validation failed: VALIDATION_FAILURE_MESSAGE"}
Status: 422 Unprocessable Entity
Body: "{"message":"This score has already been posted."}
Method: GET
URL: /scores/:UUID
Status: 200 OK
Body: "{
"id": "UUID",
"name": "PLAYER_NAME",
"score": SCORE,
Status: 404 Not Found
Body: "{
"message": "Couldn't find Score with 'id'=UUID"
Method: DELETE
URL: /scores/:UUID
Status: 204 No Content
Status: 404 Not Found
Body: "{
"message": "Couldn't find Score with 'id'=UUID"
The player name in the url must be percentage encoded if it contains non alphanumeric characters.
Method: GET
Status: 200 OK
Body: "{
"name": "PLAYER_NAME",
"top_score": TOP_SCORE,
"low_score": LOW_SCORE,
"average_score": AVERAGE_SCORE,
"history": [
"score": SCORE,
Status: 404 Not Found
Body: "{
"message": "Couldn't find Player"
You can test the production like API with curl
using the following curl
The examples below use jq
to pretty print the json output. You can find installation instructions for jq
- adding a score
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-X POST -d '{"score":{"name":"test","score":100,"time":"2020-02-01T10:20:00"}}' \
http://localhost/scores | jq
- deleting a score
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-X DELETE http://localhost/scores/ba0b2580-3a8c-42a3-9f1b-5577c6631bf9 | jq
- getting all scores
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-X GET http://localhost/scores | jq
Query filters are given as url query parameters. They have the form
'q[' + attribute '_' + predicate + ']=' value
where attribute is one of name
, score
or time
and the predicates are any of those listed
on the ransack site at
In the following example we are filtering on the time
field for values greater then gt
the time
- getting all scores occurring more recently then 10:00 am on February 1st 2020
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-X GET -G http://localhost/scores -d "q[time_gt]=2020-02-01T10:20:00.000Z" | jq
- getting scores in a time range
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-X GET -G http://localhost/scores \
-d "q[time_gt]=2020-02-01T10:20:00.000Z&q[time_lt]=2020-02-01T20:20:00.000Z" | jq
- getting stats for a player with name
Mr. player name
The name needs to be percent-encoded if it contains special characters.
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-X GET -G http://localhost/players/Mr%2E%20player%20name | jq