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Chesscom Helper

A lightweight web application for adding and removing users from a display list, powered by the public API.

(The goal of this project is to add features that are actually useful, like subscribing to notifications about a user's activity - but we aint there yet.)


This project provides a simple way to manage and view basic information about users:

Backend: A Django (Python) application that fetches data from the API and stores a list of tracked users.

Frontend: React application enhanced with Vite, using Material-UI for styling, React Router for navigation, and Axios for communication with the Django backend.

Getting Started


Rename the provided env.example file to .env to ensure the necessary environment variables are in place:

cp env.example .env

Build and start the containers:

make build
make up

Interacting with the API

Once your containers are running, you can use curl (or any REST client) to interact with the API. For example, to add a user:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/chesscom-app/add-user/ \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"username": "magnuscarlsen"}'

You can similarly remove a user with a corresponding /remove-user/ endpoint, supplying the username in the request body.


To run the frontend:

make web
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev

The development server should start on http://localhost:5173.


Don't want to actually run the thing yourself? That's fine, this is what it all looks like:

Click to expand

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