- Alexa Coffman
- Amy Nguyen
- Emily Saeli
- Grace Park
- Front-end: https://kpme-front-end.herokuapp.com
- Back-end: https://pattern-handler-test-api.herokuapp.com
A web application designed to help beginner knitters interpret written patterns as visual matrices.
One-time set-up:
Install Yarn by following Yarn installation instructions
yarn install
in the project directory to install required dependencies -
yarn add react-collapsed
yarn add react-tooltip
To start a server & run the app in development mode:
- Run
yarn start
in the project directory - Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
-Max 500 characters per row
-Max 500 rows
-Max 500 stitches per row
-No more than 200 consecutive stitches. Stitch must include count, ie K5, up to 200
Stitches can be:
-CO (Cast-on)
-K (Knit)
-P (Purl)
-BO (Bind-off)
NB: Copy only the pattern, not including the Cast-on instructions. The cast-on will be generated by the program.
-Diagonal Seed: https://github.com/emilysaeli/front-end-knitting-patterns/blob/main/src/services/patterns/03_diagonal_seed/input_diagonal_seed.txt
-Flag Stitch: https://github.com/emilysaeli/front-end-knitting-patterns/blob/main/src/services/patterns/01_flag_stitch/input_flag_stitch.txt