I will move the releases to this repository. This repository will stash the future release!
我会将release移动到这个储存库。 这个储存库会储存未来的所有release!
- TouNiang-COC7 version. You can use this application to try single trpg.
- mrfzchouka-Arknights search simulator.
- ffmpegHTMLGUI, help you generate ffmpeg command in a webpage.
- textFilter, can remove specific characters from your file or texts.
- JPGrename, rename file to 00x.jpg.
- adbpy, a launcher that can launch android emulator and connect adb to it.
- 骰娘-COC7版本。你可以尝试单人跑团。
- mrfzchouka-明日方舟抽卡模拟器。
- ffmpegHTMLGUI,在一个网页内帮你生成ffmpeg命令。
- 文本过滤器,可以从你的文件或文字中移除特定字符。
- JPGrename,将文件重命名成00x.jpg。
- adbpy,一键启动安卓模拟器和adb连接。