Using Python to handle the hooks in EMQ X to record connection and disconnection information, realize client authentication, ACL check and message storage.
EMQ X extension requires Python 3.6 or later :
pip3 install emqx-extension-sdk
The emqx-extension-sdk is open source, welcome to commit to help us improve the function.
You can use the open source version for most functions, but only EMQ X Enterprise edition supports message storage.
Download EMQ X MQTT Broker v4.1 +
EMQ X Enterprise v4.1 is coming.
Use emqx-extension-hook plugins:
## Setup the supported drivers
## Value: python2 | python3 | java
exhook.drivers = python3
## Search path for scripts/library
exhook.drivers.python3.path = data/extension/
## Call timeout
## Value: Duration
##exhook.drivers.python3.call_timeout = 5s
## Initial module name
## Your filename or module name
exhook.drivers.python3.init_module = hooks
## data/extension/
from emqx_extension.hooks import EmqxHookSdk, hooks_handler
from emqx_extension.types import EMQX_CLIENTINFO_PARSE_T, EMQX_MESSAGE_PARSE_T
class CustomHook(EmqxHookSdk):
def on_client_connect(self,
props: dict = None,
state: list = None):
print(f'[Python SDK] [on_client_connect] {conninfo.clientid} connecte')
def on_client_connected(self,
state: list = None):
f'[Python SDK] [on_client_connected] {clientinfo.clientid} connected')
def on_client_check_acl(self, clientinfo: EMQX_CLIENTINFO_PARSE_T,
pubsub: str,
topic: str,
result: bool,
state: tuple) -> bool:
f'[Python SDK] [on_client_check_acl] {clientinfo.username} check ACL: {pubsub} {topic}')
if clientinfo.username == '':
return False
return True
def on_client_authenticate(self, clientinfo: EMQX_CLIENTINFO_PARSE_T, authresult,
state) -> bool:
f'[Python SDK] [on_client_authenticate] {clientinfo.clientid} authenticate')
if clientinfo.clientid != '':
return True
return False
# on_message_* only EMQ X Enterprise
def on_message_publish(self, message: EMQX_MESSAGE_PARSE_T, state):
f'[Python SDK] [on_message_publish] {message.topic} {message.payload}')
emqx_hook = CustomHook(hook_module=f'{__name__}.emqx_hook')
def init():
return emqx_hook.start()
def deinit():
Coming soon.
./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_extension_hook