Scheduled Text Delivery by Opt-In, Custom Opt-In Page for each event pushed by user.
Lead Dev: EmalineG
Version 1.0 schedules texts to send at the time of event and only supports events at least 1 hour and at max 7 days in the future. Message sent reads, "[event name] is happening at [event time]!"
Upcoming Features: Custom messages, reminder text in advance of event, more than 1 scheduled message, user accounts to manage attendee list & replies, rollbar error logging, WhatsApp integration.
A special thanks to Cloud#6969, Prath#9580, lilintech#1668, and kai_11#4616 for letting me brainstorm ideas with you.
Version 1.1 - Changed dynamic URLs to randomized numbers instead of incrementing value; Replaced time variable in text message to "now" for universality in regard to time zones; Removed excess padding on sides for mobile to improve UI/UX; Reformatted text content for mobile to improve UI/UX.