It will build
- java 8
- nodejs 8
Make the relevant changes to the docker file.
docker build .
Find the image and run it
docker images
docker run -i -t IMAGE_ID /bin/bash
Check everything is as you expect
docker container ls
Commit your contianer changes
docker commit -m "MESSAGE" CONTAINER_ID energizedwork/ci-runner:TAG_VERSION
Push your changes to docker hub
docker push energizedwork/ci-runner:TAG_VERSION
Update your .gitlab-ci.yml to use the new image
Test everything works, then commit and push your changes to the Dockerfile.
Because we're using Apline for the build runner we need to build nodejs from source. To help facilitate this we're using nvm, it means that we don't have to wait for Alpine to release a binary.
Automate the steps above! Remove the additional packages that are needed to build to help reduce the image size.