predicting a random sine wave from just 10 (x,y) pairs
Reptile is a simple meta-learning(learning how to learn) optimization algorithm similar to the amazing MAML algorithm which i recommend to read the MAML paper. Both of MAML and Reptile are model-agnostic so they work with any model that learns through gradient descent. Reptile is more simple and comutational efficient than MAML algorithm.
How does it works ?
- sampling a task,
- training on it by multiple gradient descent steps,
- and then moving the model weights towards the new parameters.
The Reptile algorithm find a parameter theta that is close to all the optimal manifolds of all tasks
This code requires the following:
- Python 3.5.2+
- TensorFlow 2.0.0-beta0
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Reptile Paper: Alex Nichol, Joshua Achiam, John Schulman. "On First-Order Meta-Learning Algorithms".
- OpenAI blog post: Check it out, they have an online demo running entirely in Javascript!
- MAML Paper: Chelsea Finn, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Levine. "Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks".
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