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Security: eng-gabrielscardoso/gabrielscardoso



We take security seriously and appreciate your efforts to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities. This document outlines our policy for reporting and addressing security issues in our project.

Reporting a vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability, please report it to us privately and responsibly to ensure the issue is addressed promptly and without unnecessary risk to our users.

How to report

Send an email to our security team at [email protected].

Information to include

  • Description: A detailed description of the vulnerability.
  • Impact: The potential impact of the vulnerability.
  • Reproduction: Detailed steps to reproduce the vulnerability.
  • Environment: Information about the environment where the vulnerability was discovered (e.g., Laravel version, Docker version, browser, etc.).
  • Proof of Concept: If possible, include a proof of concept demonstrating the vulnerability.

Response time

We aim to respond to vulnerability reports within 48 hours and provide a detailed response within 5 business days. This response will include our assessment of the report and an expected timeline for a fix.

Handling a Vulnerability


We will keep your report confidential and will not share details of the vulnerability until a fix has been implemented and deployed. We request that you also keep the details of the vulnerability confidential until we have resolved the issue.

Fixing the issue

Once a vulnerability is reported, we will take the following steps:

  1. Verify: Verify the vulnerability.
  2. Assess: Assess the impact and severity.
  3. Develop: Develop a fix or mitigation.
  4. Test: Test the fix to ensure it resolves the issue without introducing new vulnerabilities.
  5. Deploy: Deploy the fix to our production environment.
  6. Notify: Notify the reporter and relevant stakeholders of the fix.

Public Disclosure

After the vulnerability has been fixed, we will:

  • Acknowledge: Acknowledge the reporter's contribution, if they wish to be credited.
  • Disclose: Publicly disclose the vulnerability, its impact, and the fix implemented. This will typically be done through a security advisory on our GitHub repository and/or website.

Security best practices

To minimise the risk of vulnerabilities, we follow these security best practices:

  • Code Reviews: All code changes are reviewed by multiple developers.
  • Testing: Automated and manual testing is conducted regularly, including security testing with Pest.
  • Dependencies: We regularly update dependencies to incorporate the latest security patches.
  • Environment: We follow best practices for securing our Docker environment and AWS services.
  • Access Control: We enforce strict access control policies to limit access to sensitive data and systems.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our security team at [email protected].

Thank you for helping us keep our community and users safe!

There aren’t any published security advisories