In this repository are my dotfiles; configuration files for my shell and other terminal applications. This file outlines some instructions about setting them up, and shines light on some of the pitfalls and special files which I use.
(I currently use those dotfiles on my Mac, it may not work on other OS'es)
On a new computer, simply clone the repository and run the ''bin/''.
$ cd ~
$ git clone [email protected]:engeld/dotfiles.git .dotfiles
$ ~/.dotfiles/bin/
Add a new dotfile to the repository: mv ~/.dotfile ~/.dotfiles/conf/dotfile
Link the dotfile from the repo to the homedir: ln -s ~/.dotfiles/conf/dotfile ~/.dotfile
If you encounter the following error message:
$ git clone [email protected]:engeld/dotfiles.git .dotfiles
[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
Then you don't have the ssh-keys configured. Check out Github's guide to generating SSH keys or troubleshoot common SSH Problems.
Make sure you have your old config backed up because this will replace it
$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/
$ rm -r User
$ ln -s ~/.dotfiles/conf/Sublime/User
Make sure to follow the step outlined here:
1) Quit iTerm & open the Mac Terminal
2) Enter the following commands
$ defaults delete com.googlecode.iterm2
$ mv ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist.bak
$ ln -s ~/.dotfiles/conf/iTerm/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
$ defaults read com.googlecode.iterm2
3) Open iTerm again and enjoy my customized configuration :)
Afterwards, load the color preset "Afterglow" from the repo (in "conf/iTerm/Colorschemes") via iTerm Settings > Profiles > Colors > Color Presets dropdown in the bottom right and then import it.
Run $ brew brewdle ~/.dotfiles/conf/Brewfile
Thank you so much, Armin Briegel, for your article series on migrating from bash to zsh.
- Add script to add all symlinks automatically
- Add script to prepare a setup automatically
- add homebrew & homebrew-cask
- if the repository-folder is moved, the symlinks don't work anymore!
- Solution: don't move the repo-folder!
- there could be some pitfalls in regards to rights/permissions..?