HTTPCode is a simple project on Android List Based. This app show a cute images regarding HTTP Codes.
The main idea of the project is follow the MVVM Architecture.
Topics on this project:
- Kotlin Language
- MVVM Project
- Get data from public API with Retrofit
- Save local data with RoomDatabase and SQLite
- Coroutines
- Picaso Library
Links used as reference for this project
- Picaso and kotlin
- Android Room com View:Kotlin
- Retrofit Android Example Kotlin
- MVVM with Kotlin Coroutines and Retrofit
- CodeLab Repository
- Operações Assíncronas com Coroutines no Kotlin
Images used from - Dogs for every HyperText Transfer Protocol response status code. API Server from { JSONSERVE } Host your JSON easily and use in your apps
I would like to say thank you to Leon Manickchand for support and mentoring.