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RYO, Lian Hu ENG

This is my new blog :

1. HUGO Blog

This is my first post about how do I build this hugo blog. I used to try to build a Hugo blog during January 2016 via (CentOS 7) but there has some unexpected issues:

  • Unable access into console.
  • Mouse unable control the cursor in the virtual operating system.
  • Internet line always interrupted.
  • The theme hugo-theme-air is not complete and not workable.

Today I am trying to continue build my hugo blog in Windows 10 as I occassionally saw the hugo-theme-air has maintaned and updated. You can read the reference to know about what is HUGO.

2. Build Hugo Blog in Windows 10

2.1 Create 2 Github Repo

2.1.1 Create a Repo for Store All Files

Firstly, you need to create a repo (GitHub Pages is a blog service which provides by GitHub) at GitHub. I just simply created mine as hugo-blog. You are feel free to refer to GitHub Pages for further information.

After that, I've just simply download as a ョStudio project via ョStudio IDE. You are feel free to read Setup ョStudio Server on Digital Ocean --- CentOS 7 if you are using centOS 7 on You might choose only command prompt will be able to create yours easily.

Here is my path for the Hugo blog which I just simply copy the and create a new project in ョStudio.

It will be > C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo-blog.

2.2.2 Create a Repo for Only Blog Content

Secondly, create another repo which is (or your own url if you have your own paid domain name.).

The first hugo-blog is a repo to save all relevant files include whole struture but is the GitHub blog which only contain the files inside folder public in hugo website folder hugo-blog.

Here I try to eloberates the use and different between these:

  • is a GitHub repo which can store all your blog relevant files which contain whole struture of the website.
  • is a GitHub git file which is able to connect (pull and push files) your files to the GitHub server and repo hugo-blog.
  • C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo-blog\hugo-blog.Rproj is a ョStudio file which store a project for repo hugo-blog. I use ョStudio since it is a user friendly IDE for markdown files management/handling.
  • is repo for hugo blog since the default url provides by GitHub is https://<yourname>>.

2.2 Download Hugo Apps

Secondly, you need to go to spf13/hugo to download the latest (currently version 1.6 is the most updated version) version. Click here to download the HUGO server Windows 64 bit.

Due to the Hugo.exe is a standalone app, therefore I just simply locate it at > C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu and then move the folder hugo-blog to path C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\ to save the github and ョStudio *.Rproj relevant files and avoid the error duplicate folder name hugo-blog.

Now, you can create a new website by run below codes :

> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu>hugo new site hugo-blog

After you created the folder hugo-blog. Please remember move the prvious files inside path C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\hugo-blog into C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo-blog and delete the folder C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\hugo-blog. The purpose to do so just moved the github and *.Rproj relevant files to our hugo new site folder in order to handle in ョStudio and also pull from or push to GitHub repo.

2.3 Install Hugo Theme

After create a structure of the website, move the hugo.exe into folder hugo-blog manually and then run below codes to download the theme:

> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu>cd hugo-blog
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo-blog>git init
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo-blog>echo .DS_Store >> .gitignore
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo-blog>git submodule add -f themes/air

The 利用 Hugo & GitHub 搭建个人博客静态网站 in reference use git submodule add [email protected]:Zenithar/hugo-theme-crisp.git themes/crisp but there will require passphrase and SSH while I directly using url which will be more easier.

Remember the Hugo.exe is an standalone app and I move it to C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\\themes> in order to run the app as below codes in [2.4 Browse via LocalHost Before Publish].

2.4 Configuration

We need to modify the configuration file via file name config.toml inside folder theme air as well as the config.toml inside folder

baseurl = ""
languageCode = "en"
title = "RYO, ENG Lian Hu"
paginate = 8
theme = "air"
    description = "白戸則道:実に面白いですね!"
    email = "[email protected]"
    post = "/:year/:title/"
    addendum = "/addendum/:year/:title/"

2.5 Browse via LocalHost Before Publish

We can try to browse the demo version and modify it prior to publish.

> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo-blog>hugo server -w
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo-blog>git rm -rf public
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo-blog>git submodule add public

It is simlar with below codes which is post all files under folder public to github repo

> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo-blog>cd public
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo-blog\public>git submodule add
``` > C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\hugo\themes>hugo server --theme=hugo-theme-air --buildDrafts --watch ```

Well, now we try to browse the localhost.

figure 2.3.1 : Hugo blog layout

2.6 Post to Hugo Blog

When you modified your post content and decide to post on your blog. Now you just run below codes and a folder public will be created.

> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\\hugo-blog>hugo
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\\hugo-blog>cd public
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\\hugo-blog>git add -A && git commit -m "first post"
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\\hugo-blog>git push origin master
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\\hugo-blog>cd ..
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\\hugo-blog>git add -A && git commit -m "init hugo coder"
> C:\Users\scibr\Documents\GitHub\englianhu\\hugo-blog>git push origin master

The files will upload to github repo and your blog and 1st post has been successful. Please be mind that Hugo blogs only publish the index file as html web page inside folder Public. Therefore the index.html right inside the folder Public will be the home page of the blog.

3. Conclusion

It is very simple to build a hugo blog. You might try to build yours. Benoît Benedetti (2015) in [4. Reference] is a tutorial about create a HUGO theme which is quite interesting and might read through some other days to create mine.

4. Reference

  1. 使用hugo搭建个人博客站点
  2. 利用 Hugo & GitHub 搭建个人博客静态网站
  3. Building a theme with Hugo - Tutorial to build a Hugo Theme by Benoît Benedetti (2015)


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