Kushana is a data-driven Clojurescript game engine for building lo-fi 3D games and prototypes for networked games. It's built on top of Babylon.js, core.async, Zelkova, and Sente.
Kushana is largely complete as a proof of concept. Most remaining work exists in wrapping the underlying Bablyon.js abstractions, and finding functional ways to represent things inside Babylon. As I was mostly intersted in the proof of concept (and considering Arcadia's components branch has filled a lot of my functional needs), this work is largely considered complete.
There are very few engines out there built specifically for building art games. There are engines that allow artists to build simple scenes and simple gameplay, there are engines that allow programmers to render lots and lots of polygons, but there really isn't an engine that focuses on allowing an artist to create complex, meaningful play, from simple tools. Kushana aims to be that engine.
Kushana is entirely data driven. You describe your scene using simple immutable Clojurescript data structures, and you describe your game's event loops through transformations of that data. The engine diffs subsequent transformations of data and modifies the underlying Javascript scene to match your data.
Simple data is also easy to toss onto the wire. Kushana is able to "move the pipes" to the backend, allowing you to do your transformations on the server instead. This allows for multiplayer games, and for "flip a switch" networking. (Disclaimer: this part's still a work in progress).
Kushana is not meant to be blazing fast, but it is meant to be very simple. Game logic is comprised of simple, composable, data transformations. Kushana does not aim to allow you to use every graphical tool that modern engines might allow you to, but it aims to allow you to use a simple, effective subset of them, allowing you to build lo-fi 3D games, or to build tests for networked games.
Kushana is alpha software, and it's barely functional enough to play tic-tac-toe on. With that being said, if you'd like to try using it, you just have to clone the repository. It's not quite ready to be packaged as a dependency for a project, and for the purposes of rapid development, I'm developing it directly inside a Chestnut project. Currently, I can't promise that all code in master works, but I'm pretty close to what I'd consider my first stable release. After that release, I'll start developing off of a different branch.
Kushana uses middleware to describe transformations of scenes.
Use kushana.middleware/lay
to stack up different middlewares,
and define middlewares by using the kushana.middleware/defmiddleware
macro. Middlewares recieve a scene, and a map of user input,
every frame.
(ns games.tictactoe
(:require [kushana.engine :as engine]
[kushana.scene :refer [with-ids ->name new-id]]
[kushana.middleware :as m])
(:use-macros [kushana.scene :only [defscene]]
[kushana.middleware :only [defmiddleware]]))
(defmiddleware handle-input [scene inputs]
(let [[id board] (->name (:scene-graph scene) "state")
[x z :as pos] (or ((:turn board) inputs) [-1 -1])]
(if (and
(not (:winner board))
(nil? (get board pos))
(>= x 0) (>= z 0) (< x 3) (< z 3))
(take-turn id scene pos)
(def update-fn
(m/lay m/debug
After describing how your game changes, you can define a scene,
which takes a map containing the scene, an update function created
from middleware, and a bunch of options. Your scene can contain
plain data, or components. To check to see what components are
available to you, check kushana.impl.scene/engine-map
. Use the
function to create a proper map. Use the c3
and v3
helpers to quickly build vectors and colors.
If you're missing something you might want, feel free to implement it and send
over the pull request. All components are implemented in
(defscene scene
(with-ids {}
{:turn :x :name "state"}
{:scene/component :camera/target
:name "camera"
:set-target (v3 0 0 0)
:position (v3 0 9 0.001)
:attach-control ["renderCanvas" true]}
{:scene/component :light/hemispheric
:name "light"
:intensity 1
:direction (v3 0 -1 0)
:position (v3 0 0 0)
:groundColor (c3 1 1 1)}
{:scene/component :mesh/ground
:name "board"
:width 100
:height 100
:subdivisions 2
:position (v3 0 -0.01 0)})
:clearColor (c3 0 1 1))
Finally, create an engine. In a reloaded environment, it's only really required that your engine is defined once. Use the Sente stuff below if you want your code to talk to the server. Server stuff does not work quite yet. If you want your code to just run on your browser, omit the server option.
(defonce scene-atom (atom scene))
(let [{:keys [chsk ch-recv send-fn state] :as sente-info}
(sente/make-channel-socket! "/chsk" {:type :auto})]
(def recieve ch-recv)
(def send send-fn))
(defonce engine
:canvas "renderCanvas"
:server {:recieve recieve
:send send}
:antialias true
:resize true
:fps 25))
If you included middleware, you can use the REPL to send
messages to the engine
channel. Check kushana/middleware.cljs
to see what middleware is available to you, and what options
you're able to communicate. This feature is currently broken
if you're talking to the server, but I'm working on fixing it.
(defn comm! [arg] (put! engine arg))
(defn reload []
(comm! {:debug/overview false
:debug/input false
:reload/logic update-fn}))