Python SDK for interacting with the ENLYZE platform
We use tox to manage most of the tasks in a development workflow.
To start developing locally, we suggest that you have tox installed in your environment (you can install it globally or in a virtualenv) and then you can run the following command to create a development virtualenv for the project with the required dependencies installed.
$ tox --devenv .venv -e dev
which will create a virtualenv for you under the .venv directory. Afterwards you can activate the virtualenv and start hacking away
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ tox
$ tox p -e flake8,black,isort,bandit,tox-fmt,pyproject-fmt
$ tox -e mypy
$ tox -e docs
Note that this requires the Enchant C library <> to be installed.
Note for M1 users, the Enchant
library doesn't work out of the box and the
workaround in the official docs is brittle, I suggest installing the library from
and setting the environment variable PYENCHANT_LIBRARY_PATH
$ export PYENCHANT_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib/libenchant-2.dylib
You can find examples of how to use the Python SDK here: Notebooks