Utilities for handling dates and times, such as selecting particular days of the week or month, formatting timestamps as required by RSS feeds, or converting timestamp representations of other software (such as 'MATLAB' and 'Excel') to R. The package is lightweight (no dependencies, pure R implementations) and relies only on R's standard classes to represent dates and times ('Date' and 'POSIXt'); it aims to provide efficient implementations, through vectorisation and the use of R's native numeric representations of timestamps where possible.
The latest released version is available from http://enricoschumann.net. In an R session, just type:
install.packages('datetimeutils', type = 'source',
repos = c('http://enricoschumann.net/R', getOption('repos')))
For the latest development version, check out the Git repository and build it. In a shell (e.g. sh or bash):
#### cd to parent directory and ...
$ git clone https://github.com/enricoschumann/datetimeutils.git
#### build and install the package
$ Rscript datetimeutils/Scripts/tznames.R
$ R CMD build datetimeutils
$ R CMD INSTALL datetimeutils_0.6-2.tar.gz ## adjust version number
#### optionally check
$ R CMD check datetimeutils_0.6-2.tar.gz ## adjust version number
#### later: cd to parent directory and ...
$ cd datetimeutils
$ git pull
$ cd ..
$ Rscript datetimeutils/Scripts/tznames.R
$ R CMD build datetimeutils
$ R CMD INSTALL datetimeutils_0.6-2.tar.gz ## adjust version number