unifi-timelapse is a script to get unifi video recordings from the NVR, merge every day to a single file, speed it up and save it
$ git clone https://github.com/entropie/unifi-timelapse.git
$ cd unifi-timelapse
$ cp vendor/unifi-protect-remux/remux ~/bin
Make sure you setup your NVR:
$ echo 'cat ~/.ssh/your_key.pub | ssh username@cloudkey2 "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"'
$ scp vendor/unifi-protect-remux/prepare.sh username@cloudkey2:
$ cat ~/.utl.yaml
:hostname: ckey2
:camera: FCECDA30E675
:sshopts: "-i ~/.ssh/for_remote"
:sshuser: mictro
:workdir: /home/mit/Work
:server_workdir: /srv/unifi-protect/video/
:speedup: 0.00027777777
# run for day 2021-01-10
$ ./bin/unifi-timelapse.rb --day 2021-01-10 -D
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.