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William edited this page Jan 14, 2024 · 8 revisions

Accordion 🪗


Accordion is an automated task framework. You can combine multiple actions to achieve an efficient automation task, just like the IFTTT simple and straightforward, quickly improving the efficiency of your system.

Quick start

Create your own project and use Maven or Gradle to import the accordion framework.

For the latest version, check out GitHub Release or search the Maven repository.




implementation group: 'chat.octet', name: 'accordion', version: 'LAST_RELEASE_VERSION'

Hello world

Create a configuration template for an action, here we use a custom script to output Hello world.

ActionConfig myAction = ActionConfig.builder()
        .actionName("My action")
        .actionDesc("My first action example")
        .actionParams(ScriptParameter.builder().script("println('Hello world')").build())

Create the accordion score AccordionPlan, which is a complete execution plan that includes the execution actions for each step. Then create an Accordion to play the score.

AccordionPlan plan = AccordionPlan.of().start(myAction);
try (Accordion accordion = new Accordion(plan)) {;
    System.out.println("Accordion plan:\n" + accordion.verbose());

The completed output is as follows. The verbose method can be used to print the execution link and the execution status of each action.

Hello world
... ...

Accordion plan:
🅞───⨀ ✅ My action (ACT-DEM9W7UDPC)

Function introduction

The following is an introduction to the main functions of this project. You can selectively read according to your needs, which will help you quickly understand the technical features and usage methods of the accordion framework.


AccordionPlan is an Execution Plan (DAG) consisting of an Execution Chain and an Action. The execution plan starts with a starting action and then connects other actions through the next method to form an execution chain.


  • The execution chain connects each action, which in the DAG is the Edge, and the action is the specific Node.
  • The execution of each action depends on the preceding action. If the preceding action fails, the following action will not be executed.
AccordionPlan API
 * Add a start action.
 * @param actionConfig Action config
 * @return AccordionPlan
public AccordionPlan start(ActionConfig actionConfig);

 * Add a next action.
 * @param previousAction Previous action
 * @param nextAction     Next action
 * @return AccordionPlan
public AccordionPlan next(ActionConfig previousAction, ActionConfig nextAction);

 * Add one or more next actions.
 * @param previousAction Previous action
 * @param nextActions    One or more next actions
 * @return AccordionPlan
public AccordionPlan next(ActionConfig previousAction, ActionConfig... nextActions);

 * Reset the plan status.
public void reset();

 * Export the plan to JSON.
 * @return String
public String exportToJsonConfig();

 * Import the plan from JSON.
 * @param accordionConfigJson Accordion config JSON.
 * @return AccordionPlan
public AccordionPlan importConfig(String accordionConfigJson);

 * Import the plan from AccordionConfig.
 * @param accordionConfig Accordion config.
 * @return AccordionPlan
public AccordionPlan importConfig(AccordionConfig accordionConfig);


Here a complex execution plan is used for demo, as shown in the following figure, which includes a total of 10 actions, each connected through the next method.


Example of execution plan:

// ... ...
AccordionPlan plan = AccordionPlan.of()
        .next(a, b, c, r, w)
        .next(b, d)
        .next(c, d)
        .next(d, e, g, f)
        .next(e, h)
        .next(f, h)
        .next(g, h);

try (Accordion accordion = new Accordion(plan)) {;
    System.out.println("Accordion plan:\n" + accordion.verbose());

Output of execution plan:

Accordion plan:
🅞───⨀ ✅ A (ACT-M43B62QK56)
	├───⨀ ✅ B (ACT-HBT8E98ZJP)
	├───⨀ ✅ C (ACT-7239Z51LKX)
	├───⨀ ✅ R (ACT-5VR1Y3WMBP)
	└───⨀ ✅ W (ACT-T39P7JFIVL)
		└───⨀ ✅ D (ACT-XUM24TLIBI)
			├───⨀ ✅ E (ACT-0KSSQYF52E)
			├───⨀ ✅ G (ACT-XU3OXGBZ5Y)
			└───⨀ ✅ F (ACT-56Q2VNG5B4)
				└───⨀ ✅ H (ACT-LERLLYDHQN)

Import & Export accordion plan

After creating an execution plan, you can export it as a JSON for persistence storage or import it into another execution plan.

accordion plan json example
  "name": "Default accordion name",
  "desc": "Default accordion desc",
  "graph_config": {
    "actions": [
        "id": "ACT-BKFR133GZ0",
        "action_type": "SCRIPT",
        "action_name": "My action",
        "action_desc": "My first action example",
        "action_params": {
          "script_id": "script-dyk9obhc63",
          "script": "1+1",
          "debug": false
        "action_output": [
            "name": "number",
            "data_type": "LONG",
            "desc": "Calc result"
        "id": "ACT-OLH1M13ZIR",
        "action_type": "CONDITION",
        "action_name": "Condition action",
        "action_desc": "Condition action example",
        "action_params": {
          "expression": "(number == 2)",
          "debug": false
    "edges": [
        "previous_action": "ACT-BKFR133GZ0",
        "next_action": "ACT-OLH1M13ZIR"
  "updatetime": "2024-01-09 12:51:43"


Action is an execution unit that can do many things. Each action has three stages: input, execution, and output.

  • Input

    • The input parameters of an action can be the output result of the previous action or the event message. In development, we do not need to declare, AbstractAction will be automatically processed.
  • Execution

    • This is the execution module for actions, where you can implement your business functions. You can refer to the code for preset actions for details.
  • Output

    • The output parameters of the action need to be specified in the action configuration template as actionOutput.
  • Status

    • ⚪️ NORMAL Default state
    • 🅾️ ERROR Execution error occurred
    • SUCCESS Execution completed
    • 🟡 SKIP Execution skipped, for example: when an error occurs in the execution of an action, the next action will be skipped.

The following is a list of preset basic actions that you can expand as needed.



ApiAction Supports calling third-party Restful APIs. supports requests and responses in JSON and XML data formats, and also supports the use of proxy services.

By default, the timeout for requesting an API is 5 seconds, and you can adjust it according to the actual situation.


All actions use build mode to create object instances, including parameter templates for actions.

ActionConfig action = ActionConfig.builder()
        .actionDesc("An api request action")
  • Action Parameters
Parameter Required Description
url Y Request url,
method Y Request methods, GET/POST/PUT...
headers N Request header parameter list {"args": "value"}
request N Request parameter list {"args": "value"}
form N Request form parameter list {"args": "value"}
body N Request body, supports JSON or XML
timeout N Request timeout time (milliseconds), default: 5000 ms
responseDataFormat N Response data format, supports JSON or XML
retryOnConnectionFailure N Retry the request when an error occurs
proxyType N Proxy type: DIRECT/HTTP/SOCKS
proxyServerAddress N Proxy server address
proxyServerPort N Proxy server port 8080
  • Action Output Parameters

According to the return value of the request, specify the required output parameters.

For example, if the response data of the request contains the status field, then we can use status as the output parameter for subsequent actions.



ConditionAction is similar to the if in Java, used to control the execution process. When the conditional judgment is not true, the execution will be interrupted.

Condition condition = new Condition("age", ConditionOperator.GT, 18)
        .and("age", ConditionOperator.LT, 30);

String expression = ConditionBuilder.getInstance().build(condition);

ActionConfig action = ActionConfig.builder()
        .actionName("Condition example")
        .actionDesc("A condition action example")
  • Conditional expressions

There are two ways to use conditional expressions. The first is to write the expression directly, and the second is to create it using Condition.

Example 1:

Condition condition = new Condition("age", ConditionOperator.GT, 18)
        .and("age", ConditionOperator.LT, 30);

String expression = ConditionBuilder.getInstance().build(condition);

Example 2:

(age > 18) and (age < 30)

Conditional expressions can be evaluated using common combinations of logical operators.

such as:

# Evaluate expressions

# Conditional expressions
(a/b>1) or (a/b==0)

# Complex multi-conditional expressions
((a/b>1) or (a/b==0)) and (a==x)

In conditional expressions, we can use dynamic variables. In the above example, parameters a, b, and x will be replaced with actual values for calculation.


Missing dynamic variable values will be replaced with null, which will result in the calculation conditions not being true.

  • Action Parameters
Parameter Required Description
expression Y Conditional expressions
  • Action Output Parameters

After the conditional action is executed, it will return either true or false.



SwitchAction is a combination of multiple sets of conditions used to control multiple different execution chains, suitable for execution scenarios of multiple independent tasks.

SwitchParameter switchParameter = SwitchParameter.builder().build().addBranch(
    SwitchParameter.Branch.builder().name("Go A").actionId(a.getId()).expression("2==1").build(),
    SwitchParameter.Branch.builder().name("Go B").actionId(b.getId()).expression("1+1>1").build(),
    SwitchParameter.Branch.builder().name("Go C").actionId(c.getId()).expression("1==1").build()

ActionConfig switchAction = ActionConfig.builder()
        .actionName("Switch action")
        .actionDesc("A switch action example")


In the above example, only the B and C branches will be executed.

  • Action Parameters
Parameter Required Description
branches Y Branch List [...]
name Y Branch name
actionId Y Action ID for branch execution
expression Y Conditional expressions
negation Y Conditional reversal: true / false
  • Action Output Parameters

After the SwitchAction is executed, a list of objects containing the branch name and execution result will be returned.



EmailAction Supports sending emails to multiple email addresses.

By default, the content format of the email is in HTML format, and email attachments are not currently supported.


Please strictly check the content of your email to ensure that it does not contain script injections such as js, which are often intercepted by the email system.

ActionConfig emailAction = ActionConfig.builder()
        .actionName("Email action")
        .actionDesc("A email notify action")
                        .subject("A testing email")
                        .from("[email protected]")
                        .to("[email protected],[email protected]")
                        .cc("[email protected]")
                        .content("<p>Testing from <h1>Accordion</h1></p>")
  • Action Parameters
Parameter Required Description
server Y Email server address
smtpPort Y Email server port,default: 25
ssl N Use SSL, default: false
tls N Use TLS, default: false
username N Sender account
password N Sender password
subject Y Email subject
from Y Email sender
to Y Email recipient, Using "," dividing multiple parameters
cc N Email carbon copy, Using "," dividing multiple parameters
content Y Email content
timeout N Connection timeout, default: 5000 ms
debug N Debug mode, default: false
  • Action Output Parameters

Email action has no output parameters.



ScriptAction support Java language syntax, used to implement complex task scenarios.


  • Java and lambda expression
  • Debug mode Easy to track issues
  • Dynamic variables For example: num = x + y
  • Functions For example: Mathlib, String processing, etc

Implement using the com.googlecode.aviator framework. For more syntax rules, please refer to the aviator user manual.


By default, custom scripts disable some language features to ensure system security.**

ActionConfig scriptAction = ActionConfig.builder()
        .actionName("Script action")
        .actionDesc("A script action example")
                ScriptParameter.builder().script("println('Hello world')").build()
  • Action Parameters
Parameter Required Description
scriptId N Script id, Automatically generated by default
script Y Script code snippets
debug N Debug mode, default: false
  • Action Output Parameters

Without specifying output parameters, custom actions will use the default output parameters ACTION_SCRIPT_RESULT, of type String, is used to save the result of script execution.

Parameter DataType Description
ACTION_SCRIPT_RESULT String Default output parameter


Support executing custom commands or scripts, such as bash, cmd, powershell.

ActionConfig action = ActionConfig.builder()
        .actionName("Shell action")
                ShellParameter.builder().shell("echo 'hello world'").build()
  • Action Parameters
Parameter Required Description
type N Shell language type, default: bash
shell Y Shell code snippets
timeout N Execution timeout, default: 60000 ms
  • Action Output Parameters

You can specify an output parameter or leave it blank.



Implemented using llama-Java, supports automatic inference in chat mode and completion mode.

ActionConfig action = ActionConfig.builder()
        .actionName("llama action")
                        ).system("You're Kitty Jamie, and your answers and actions are the same as those of a kitten.")
  • Action Parameters
Parameter Required Description
modelParameter Y Llama model parameters
generateParameter N Llama generate parameters. Use default values when not specified
chatMode N Use chat mode (default: true), Otherwise it will be in completion mode
system N System prompt text
memory N Use chat memory (default: false), Only available in chat mode


For the complete parameters of modelParameter and generateParameter, please refer to llama-java Documents.

  • Action Output Parameters
Parameter DataType Description
LLAMA_OUTPUT String model generation text

Custom action

In addition to preset actions, you can create your own custom actions, which can be implemented as follows:

  • Implement custom actions
public class MyAction extends AbstractAction {

    public MyAction(ActionConfig actionConfig) {

    public ExecuteResult execute() throws ActionException {
        ExecuteResult executeResult = new ExecuteResult();
        try {
             //YOUR CODE...
        } catch (Exception e) {
            setExecuteThrowable(new ActionException(e.getMessage(), e));
        return executeResult;


  • All actions inherit AbstractAction and implement the execute method, initializing the required parameters in the constructor.
  • execute method defaults to using try-catch to handle exceptions, and you can also choose to throw an exception.
  • If you need to pass output parameters, please write them to ExecuteResult.
  • Register custom actions

Custom actions require registration to be used, and ActionType is globally unique. You can define a special name to identify it.

ActionRegister.getInstance().register("MyAction", MyAction.class.getName());
  • unregister custom actions

For unnecessary actions, you can remove them through the unregister method.


Event messages

Event message is a data source, and in some scenarios, we need to provide feedback on event messages sent from upstream and perform a series of complex actions.


  • In streaming computing scenarios, we can perform real-time computation and processing on consumed event messages.
  • In monitoring scenarios, we can alert for outliers and perform specific operations.



Parameter passing

Throughout the entire task execution process, we can use Action output parameters or Action session to pass parameter values.

  • Action output parameters

Only used between actions, the output parameter of the previous action will be passed as the input parameter of the next action by default.

For example, requesting the return result field of a certain interface can be used to determine the condition of the next action.

  • Action session

Globally available, Action session is initialized at the beginning of task execution, which stores the status and messages of the execution chain. You can store the parameters that need to be passed globally in the session.


Parameter naming convention

Use clear and easy to understand parameter names as much as possible to avoid duplicate parameter names that may cause parameters to be overwritten.



Data type

Supports data types chat.octet.accordion.core.enums.DataType

During the parameter transfer process, parameter type conversion will be automatically performed, and String will be used uniformly for parameters without specified data types.


Reference Framework

In this project, I used okhtp3 to implement lightweight HTTP requests and aviator to implement advanced scripting language functionality.

  • aviator
  • okhttp3