Releases: eoscostarica/evodex
Releases · eoscostarica/evodex
Bug Fixes
- show correct current supply value #244 (Teto Gomez)
- move function out of hook scope #244 (Teto Gomez)
- liquidity: hide or show current supply #246 (Teto Gomez)
- current supply: use eosjs api #246 (Teto Gomez)
- add price impact #239 (Adriel Diaz)
- add timeout for ual api failover #240 (Adriel Diaz)
- add colors for price impact according to the value #239 (Adriel Diaz)
Bug Fixes
- error with price impact when use a diferent order for tokens #239 (Adriel Diaz)
- hardcoded url #241 (Adriel Diaz)
- hidden help button #239 (Adriel Diaz)
Bug Fixes
- exchange: fix loop exchange value #227 (Teto Gomez)
- exchange: handle infinite loop when user change input value #232 (Teto Gomez)
- exchange: add logic to stop event propagation #232 (Teto Gomez)
- calculation for you give input from you receive #233 (Adriel Diaz)
- wrong value for asset input #236 (Adriel Diaz)
- error with magnitude of asset amount must be less than 2^62 #236 (Adriel Diaz)
- clear error on value change #236 (Adriel Diaz)
- clear error on value change #236 (Adriel Diaz)
- implements improvements for exchange process #233 (Adriel Diaz)
- rename var #233 (Adriel Diaz)
- validate max decimal for liquidity form #236 (Adriel Diaz)
- validate max decimals for vote the fee #236 (Adriel Diaz)
- [5044af5]: wip (Teto Gomez) #227
- [c31a544]: Merge branch 'develop' of into develop (Xavier Fernandez) #228
- [8f7ace4]: feat(i189) Add russian translation (Xavier Fernandez) #228
- exchange: reset values when pair change #229 (Teto Gomez)
- [91e07bf]: fix(i189) Order languages alphabetically (Xavier Fernandez) #228
- [639462f]: Fix using standard API of UAL (chendatony31) #231
- [7cc8978]: v0.1.0-beta.7 (Xavier Fernandez)
Bug Fixes
- wallets: remove broken wallet integrations #216 (Xavier Fernandez)
- exchange: set pair after click table row #217 (Teto Gomez)
- i18n: update help text translations #221 (Xavier Fernandez)
- fix windows resize #222 (Teto Gomez)
- exchange: show your wallet label only if user is login #223 (Teto Gomez)
- social media: add social media preview, helmet tags #224 (Teto Gomez)
- metadata: move metadata tags into index.html #224 (Teto Gomez)
- metadata: change card tag value #224 (Teto Gomez)
- metadata: clean code #224 (Teto Gomez)
- mask: add input mask #225 (Teto Gomez)
- i18n: add fee max value allowed message #225 (Teto Gomez)
- code review #225 (Teto Gomez)
- denied negative values #225 (Teto Gomez)
- denied negative values #225 (Teto Gomez)
- increase decimal numbers allowed #225 (Teto Gomez)
- fix eslint errors (#226) #226 (Teto Gomez)
- packages: Update node package dependencies #213 (Xavier Fernandez)
- add react tour component #200 (Teto Gomez)
- add description to fee and liquidity #200 (Teto Gomez)
- add steps descriptions using i18n #200 (Teto Gomez)
- add hover #200 (Teto Gomez)
Bug Fixes
- reset current step tour guide #200 (Teto Gomez)
- medium: update links to oficial medium page #202 (Xavier Fernandez)
- table collapse: Add i18n chinese for table label column #203 (Teto Gomez)
- liquidity: update current supply label #204 (Xavier Fernandez)
- liquidity: update spanish supply label #204 (Xavier Fernandez)
- tour guide: add new style for tour guide button #212 (Teto Gomez)