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Releases: eoyilmaz/stalker


10 Feb 13:09
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What's Changed

  • [#151] Added File.absolute_path and File.absolute_full_path prope… by @eoyilmaz in #152

Full Changelog: 1.1.1...1.1.2


10 Feb 13:08
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What's Changed

  • [#149] Updated type decorators under stalker.models.enum to set the… by @eoyilmaz in #150

Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.1


21 Jan 11:46
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Although the major version is not updated to v2.x, this is not compatible with 1.0.x as the implication of the change this introduces is huge.

What's Changed

Basically the Version class is now deriving directly from Entity instead of the File (previously Link). This is done in this way to simplify the relation of Version and File instances. Now, the Version class is the holder of File instances (which by the way got incredibly relaxed with this new name: File instead of Link, i.e you can have file-types: Type(name="OpenEXR", target_entity_type="File")) and and the Files are held in Version.files attribute instead of the Version.inputs or Version.outputs and we now have File.references attribute to hold the relation between files. With this change, all edges are now smoothed out...

Being only a change related to 2 classes, this didn't deserve being called version 2.x. On the other hand it breaks compatibility with 1.0.x branches. But, I have bigger changes in mind for 2.x branch 😉

By the way, the alembic script related to this change, can upgrade the data so that all the path and reference related data contained by Version instances are transfered to File instances and the data is preserved. But, the downgrade() doesn't work properly, so it is suggested to backup the database before upgrading it to Stalker 1.1.0 compatible version.

Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.1.0


18 Dec 15:33
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What's Changed

  • [#145] Fixed stalker.db.setup.alembic_version to point to the lates… by @eoyilmaz in #146

Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2


16 Dec 14:52
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.1


16 Dec 14:31
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What's Changed

  • Version.take_name has been renamed to Version.variant_name to follow the
    industry standard (and then removed it completely as we now have Variant
    class for this).
  • Task.depends renamed to Task.depends_on.
  • TaskDependency.task_depends_to renamed to TaskDependency.task_depends_on.
  • Modernized Stalker as a Python project. It is now fully PEP 517 compliant.
  • Stalker now supports Python versions from 3.8 to 3.13.
  • Stalker is now SQLAlchemy 2.x compliant.
  • Stalker is now fully type hinted.
  • Added GitHub actions for CI/CD practices.
  • Updated validation messages to make them more consistently displaying the
    current type and the value of the validated attribute.
  • Added Makefile workflow to help creating a virtualenv, building, installing,
    releasing etc. actions much more easier.
  • Added tox config to run the test with Python 3.8 to 3.13.
  • Increased test coverage to 99.76%.
  • Updated documentation theme to furo.
  • Renamed OSX to macOS where ever it is mentioned.
  • Scene is now deriving from Task.
  • Shot.sequences is now Shot.sequence and it is many-to-one.
  • Shot.scenes is now Shot.scene and it is many-to-one.
  • Added the Variant class to allow variants to be approved and managed
  • Added Review.version attribute to relate a Version instance to the
  • Removed the Version.variant_name attribute. The migration alembic script
    will create Variant instances for each Version.variant_name under the
    container Task to hold the information.
  • Version._template_variables() now finds the related Asset, Shot and
    Sequence values and passes them in the returned dictionary.
  • All the enum values handled with arbitrary string lists or integer values are
    now proper enum classes. As a result we now have ScheduleConstraint,
    TimeUnit, ScheduleModel, DependencyTarget, TraversalDirection
    enum classes which are removing the need of using fiddly strings as enum
  • StatusLists that are created for super classes can now be used with the
    derived classes, i.e. a status list created specifically for Task can now be
    used with Asset, Shot, Sequence and Scenes and any future
    Task derivatives.

What's Changed (Autogenerated)

Full Changelog: 0.2.28...1.0.0


25 Nov 13:39
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  • Fixed an SQL query in Task.total_logged_seconds to cast the result to plain old integer and not decimal.Decimal.


28 Sep 20:09
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  • Fixed a bug in Task.responsible attribute. This change has also slightly changed how the Task.responsible attribute works. It still comes from the parent if the Task.responsible is empty or None, but when queried it causes the attribute to be filled with parent data. This is a slight change, but may break some workflows.

  • Added ScheduleMixin.to_unit that converts the given seconds to the given unit in consideration of the given schedule_model.


05 Aug 19:45
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  • Task.percent_complete value is now properly calculated for a parent Task that contains a mixed type of "effort", "duration" and "length" based tasks.

06 Jun 21:30
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  • Update: Updated the .travis.yml file to use PostgreSQL 13.3 and Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa.
  • Update: Updated the upload_to_pypi command to follow the current Python packaging guide.
  • Update: Migrated from to
  • Update: Re-enabled concurrent testing in .travis.yml.