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@AlekseyManetov AlekseyManetov released this 11 Oct 15:18
· 476 commits to main since this release

5.10.0 - 11.10.2024

What's New

  • [DataTable]:
    • [Breaking change]: reworked isAwaysVisible column configuration prop. Now it's not make column fixed by default and doesn't forbid to unpin or reorder, it's only disallow to hide this column from table. If you need previous behavior, please use isLocked prop.
    • Added isLocked prop for column configuration. If true value provided, makes this column locked, which means that you can't hide, unpin or reorder this column. This column should always be pined.
  • [DataTable]: ColumnsConfigurationModal updated modal width from 420px to 560px according design, 'disabled' state for locked columns is changed to 'readonly', added vertical paddings to multiline column names.
  • [PickerInput]:
    • Added support of minCharsToSearch > 0 with searchPosition = 'body'.
    • Added renderEmpty prop to render custom empty block for depends on various reasons.
    • renderNotFonud prop is deprecated, please use renderEmpty instead
  • Sass updated to the last version, warnings 'Mixed Declarations' fixed
  • [Modals]: for mobile view (width is up to 720px) by default the modal position is fixed at the bottom edge of the screen
  • [TabButton][VerticalTabButton]: decreased paddings & gaps for all sizes according to the design

What's Fixed

  • [Form]: fixed bug when beforeLeave modal appears in case of redirect in onSuccess callback
  • [VirtualList]: fixed offsets counting if rows have different height
  • [TabButton][VerticalTabButton]: aligned with design, paddings & gaps decreased