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Milestone 2 - Identity

Due by January 15, 2025 0% complete

Includes Connecting Wallets
SCW Support
Wallet Management
Handling of Profiles
Connecting Multiple Addresses to an InboxId

Product questions and discussion:

Current Outstanding Questions:
How many Inboxes are connected?

Assumed Several
Can be a personal and work etc.

Includes Connecting Wallets
SCW Support
Wallet Management
Handling of Profiles
Connecting Multiple Addresses to an InboxId

Product questions and discussion:

Current Outstanding Questions:
How many Inboxes are connected?

Assumed Several
Can be a personal and work etc.
Can be public and Private

How are profiles displayed?

Latest address connected?
Merging of all addresses associated with the account?
Or do we store per InboxId instead, but connect transactions by address?

Displaying “human”

Who is human? By Address or By InboxId?
